missile launches

Kim Jong Un's rocket stars: The trio behind North Korea's missile programme

The big potato in that trio of people is Ri Pyong Chol," said Michael Madden.

May 26, 2017, 10:30 AM IST

U.S., South Korea, Japan officials - North Korea missile launches ''provocative acts''

U.S., South Korean and Japanese defence officials on Thursday condemned North Korea`s recent missile launches as provocative acts.

Aug 05, 2016, 06:07 AM IST

UN chief calls on Iran to stop conducting missile launches

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon calls on Iran to stop conducting ballistic missile launches.

Jul 09, 2016, 12:00 PM IST

'North Korea now a nuclear threat to be reckoned with, Washington can expect more nuclear tests and missile launches'

The top North Korean official for US relations today said that his country is now a nuclear threat to be reckoned with, and Washington can expect more nuclear tests and missile launches like the ones earlier this week as long as it attempts to force his government's collapse through a policy of pressure and punishment.

Jun 25, 2016, 03:46 AM IST