migrant crisis

ECB in dilemma after Pakistan-born Ashar Zaidi told to get back to own country

Somerset bowler Craig Overton reportedly told Sussex batsman Ashar Zaidi to “go back to your own f*****g country” during a county match last season.

Dec 10, 2015, 23:57 PM IST

Slovenia to tighten border, fears unmanageable migrant wave

Slovenian government has said it would take urgent measures to strengthen control of its Schengen border with Croatia, fearing an expected new wave of migrants would be scarcely manageable.

Nov 10, 2015, 06:49 AM IST

EU states pledge to move faster on migrant crisis

European Union interior ministers have agreed to deliver more quickly on their promises for tackling the migration crisis as their host called for averting a humanitarian catastrophe with winter approaching.

Nov 10, 2015, 05:17 AM IST

EU, Balkan leaders hold migrant summit to defuse tensions

European Union and Balkan leaders met to tackle the migrant crisis.

Oct 26, 2015, 00:51 AM IST

Migrants pour into Slovenia from Croatia after Hungary closes border

Nearly 3,000 migrants trying to reach northern Europe crossed into Slovenia from Croatia on Saturday, having been forced to change their route after Hungary closed off another border with razor wire.

Oct 18, 2015, 03:41 AM IST

Greek PM calls for 'shared responsibility' on migrant crisis

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who returned to power after Sunday's election, Monday called for "shared" European responsibility in tackling the migrant crisis facing the bloc.

Sep 22, 2015, 01:02 AM IST

Turkey blocks new migrant march to Greek border

A new march by migrants trying to reach Europe overland from Turkey was blocked by police outside Istanbul Monday.

Sep 21, 2015, 15:43 PM IST

For refugees in Australia, resettlement first step in road

 It has been almost 16 years since Riz Wakil stepped off a dilapidated wooden boat onto a remote northern Australian territory, ending 11 terrifying days at sea huddled up against 76 other asylum-seekers.

Sep 21, 2015, 07:59 AM IST

Countries tussle over human flow as Europe`s migrant crisis deepens

Thousands of migrants were stranded in the western Balkans on Saturday as Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia tussled over the EU`s escalating refugee crisis.

Sep 19, 2015, 16:18 PM IST

Hungary extends ''crisis situation'' to Croatian border

 Hungary has extended a crisis situation to territories neighbouring Croatia from counties on its Serbian border due to the streams of refugees and migrants, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told a news conference on Thursday.

Sep 18, 2015, 00:41 AM IST

Half of refugees traumatised: German psychotherapists

At least half of the refugees who have come to Germany have mental health problems because of trauma suffered in war or during their dangerous escapes, said the chamber of psychotherapists Wednesday.

Sep 16, 2015, 19:59 PM IST

Migrants leave Salzburg on foot as Germany stops trains

Hundreds of migrants who had massed at the main train station in the Austrian city of Salzburg left on foot today in the hope of reaching Germany, a city spokesman said.

Sep 16, 2015, 18:59 PM IST

'1 in 50 Syrian refugees in Europe could be an ISIS'

The terrorists of ISIS are hidden among the refugees going to Europe from Syria and are planning to spread terror in disguise of innocent refugees.

Watch full news @ Zee News

Sep 16, 2015, 16:35 PM IST

Know all about European migrant crisis in 90 seconds- Watch

For many, the term European migrant crisis was just another jargon until the death of the three-year-old Syrian kid Aylan Kurdi, whose heartbreaking pictures jolted the world out of apathy, leading the countries to throw open the borders and pour in double the amount of aid for refugees.

Sep 16, 2015, 14:19 PM IST

First migrants enter Croatia after Hungary seals border: Police

About 20 migrants entered Croatia from Serbia early Wednesday, the first to enter the EU country after Hungary sealed its borders, police said.

Sep 16, 2015, 13:00 PM IST

Migrant crisis has worsened, requires cooperation: Barack Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama said on Tuesday the migrant crisis had worsened and required cooperation from European nations and the United States to address.

Sep 16, 2015, 04:11 AM IST

Now, Charlie Hebdo under fire for dead Syrian toddler's cartoon

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has been criticised for publishing a cartoon depicting the death of three-year-old Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi as its own controversial take on the refugee and migration crisis, the media reported on Tuesday.

Sep 15, 2015, 14:37 PM IST

'European Union ministers fail to reach unanimous refugee deal'

EU interior ministers have failed to reach unanimous agreement on a plan for binding quotas to relocate 120,000 refugees and take the strain off Greece, Italy, and Hungary, officials said.

Sep 15, 2015, 06:51 AM IST

Greek leaders question EU migration policy

The two main candidates for the Greek premiership in this weekend's snap election have questioned the EU's migration policy and said they would seek ways to amend the country's unpopular new economic bailout.

Sep 15, 2015, 06:45 AM IST

EU deadlocked on migrant relocation system

EU ministers failed on Monday to break a deadlock over sharing out responsibility for sheltering some of the hundreds of thousands of people who have sought asylum in Europe this year, leaving the shape of a final deal in doubt.

Sep 15, 2015, 03:47 AM IST