Mars landing

NASA's Mars Perseverance Rover shares first pic with the world after successful landing

NASA scientists described Perseverance rover as the most ambitious of nearly 20 US missions to Mars dating back to the Mariner spacecraft`s 1965 fly-by. The mission was launched to search for traces of ancient microbial life on Mars.

Feb 19, 2021, 14:55 PM IST

NASA's astrobiology rover Perseverance makes historic Mars landing: See first pics

The robotic vehicle sailed through space for nearly seven months before piercing the Martian atmosphere at 19,000 km per hour to begin its approach to touchdown on the planet`s surface. The spacecraft`s self-guided descent and landing during a complex series of manoeuvres that NASA dubbed "the seven minutes of terror" stands as the most elaborate and challenging feat in the annals of robotic spaceflight.

Feb 19, 2021, 03:00 AM IST