Long March-5

China anticipating a 2018 launch of its space station's experimental core module!

Earlier reports said the new Chinese space station will initially be much smaller than the ISS, which weighs 420 tonnes, but could be expanded for future scientific research and international cooperation.

Mar 02, 2017, 20:14 PM IST

Chinese rockets to make their first overseas appearance in Australia!

The Australian International Airshow will be held from tomorrow to Sunday in Avalon.

Feb 27, 2017, 20:04 PM IST

Breaking records: China gears up to send 30 missions into space in 2017!

The probe would land on the moon, collect samples and return to Earth.

Jan 04, 2017, 15:14 PM IST

China successfully launches Long March-5, its most powerful heavy-lift rocket!

The Long March-5 is a large, two-stage rocket with a payload capacity of 25 tonnes to low-Earth orbit, the largest of China’s carrier rockets.

Nov 03, 2016, 22:37 PM IST

China to launch two heavy rockets in space missions in 2016

 China will send two new models of its heavy carrier rocket on their maiden space trips this year, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASC)

Jan 17, 2016, 07:24 AM IST

China to rehearse new carrier rocket for final lunar mission

Bracing for its ambitious plan to land an unmanned spacecraft on the Moon before returning to Earth, China has shipped a carrier rocket from Tianjin port for a rehearsal of a scheduled Chang'e-5 lunar mission around 2017.

Sep 21, 2015, 10:33 AM IST