Kepler space telescope

NASA discovers largest new planet that orbits two suns!

As per NASA, Kepler-1647 is 3,700 light-years away and approximately 4.4 billion years old, roughly the same age as Earth.

Jun 14, 2016, 00:25 AM IST

Astronomers find Earth-like planet that may support life

Scientists have found a new exoplanet like Earth that could support human life and it is some 1200 light years away from our planet.

May 31, 2016, 09:41 AM IST

Watch: NASA's Kepler captures 'shockwave' of an exploding star for first time!

The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave  or “shock breakout” has been captured for the first time in visible light by the Kepler space telescope.

Mar 22, 2016, 09:22 AM IST

Strong magnetic fields very common in stars: Study

Using a recently developed technique to detect magnetic fields inside stars, a team of astronomers has discovered that these are very common in stars.

Jan 05, 2016, 12:03 PM IST

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope spots 'bizarre' star

The strange star which they named it KIC 8462852 lies just above the Milky Way between the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.

Oct 15, 2015, 16:56 PM IST

20 years ago astronomers discovered the first planet outside our solar system

51 Pegasi b was the first planet spotted around a “normal” star like our Sun. 

Oct 08, 2015, 18:42 PM IST

'Habitability index' to reveal where to look for alien life

 Astronomers from University of Washington's virtual planetary laboratory have created a way to compare and rank exoplanets to help prioritise which of the thousands discovered warrant close inspection in the search for life beyond Earth.

Oct 07, 2015, 12:05 PM IST