James Mattis

South Korea responds to N Korea's latest nuke test by flexing its missile powers

South Korea's Army and Air Force have conducted a ballistic missile exercise on early Monday morning in response to North Korea's sixth nuclear test.

Sep 04, 2017, 07:00 AM IST

Donald Trump may sack Nicholson for not winning Afghan war

New commander will be announced soon but it is not known if he would agree to retire or demand to be fired as General David McKiernan did when Defense Secretary Robert Gates replaced him in 2009 as the Obama administration adopted a new counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan.

Aug 04, 2017, 17:52 PM IST

US blocks $350 mn aid to Pakistan for not doing enough against Haqqani network

Pakistan-based Haqqani network is blamed for a number of high-profile attacks on US and Western interests in war-torn Afghanistan.

Jul 21, 2017, 19:59 PM IST

Pentagon delays plan for transgender recruits

The decision to delay the plan for six months was made on the eve of a deadline set by Mattis's predecessor, Ashton Carter, during Barack Obama's administration.


Jul 01, 2017, 09:20 AM IST

New conflicts threaten Syria after Islamic State defeat

The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), spearheaded by the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, have taken several parts of the northern Syrian town since their assault began this month.

Jun 30, 2017, 16:02 PM IST

President Trump, First Lady Melania Trump to welcome PM Modi at the White House

The US side is likely to be represented by Vice President Mike Pence, Defence Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and National Security Advisor Lt Gen H R McMaster.

Jun 26, 2017, 22:07 PM IST

PM Narendra Modi meets US State Secy Rex Tillerson

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi here today and discussed ways to boost Indo-US strategic ties ahead of the Indian leader's first meeting with President Donald Trump.

Jun 26, 2017, 21:26 PM IST

US military chiefs want more time to implement transgender policy

US military chiefs are asking for more time to implement a policy that will allow transgenders to enlist in the service branches.

Jun 24, 2017, 13:21 PM IST

US, China to hold 1st diplomatic and security dialogue

China and the US will hold their first diplomatic and security dialogue next week in Washington amid rising tensions in ties over the South China Sea.


Jun 16, 2017, 21:01 PM IST

Freedom of navigation exercise in South China Sea part of strategy: US Defence Secretary

The US last month sent a navy warship near an artificial island in the disputed South China Sea.

Jun 15, 2017, 10:52 AM IST

Russia, China seeking veto power on their periphery: James Mattis

Russia and China were seeking veto power over the economic, diplomatic and security decisions on their periphery and challenging US' ability to deploy troops at will unlike in the past, Defence Secretary James Mattis has said.

Jun 14, 2017, 19:40 PM IST

US recognises India as major defence partner: Defence Secretary James Mattis

The US recognises India as a major defence partner, Defence Secretary James Mattis has said.

Jun 04, 2017, 20:51 PM IST

Egyptian-American woman freed in Egypt goes home on US military plane

An Egyptian-American woman detained in Egypt for nearly three years on human trafficking charges was flown back to the United States on Thursday on a US military plane, accompanied by a top White House official.

Apr 21, 2017, 09:01 AM IST

Pak, China, Afghanistan dominated Mattis-Doval meet: US official

Presence of terror safe havens in Pakistan, aggressive Chinese behaviour and the Afghanistan situation dominated last month's meeting between US Defence Secretary Gen (retd) James Mattis and National Security Advisor Ajit Doval, according to an American defence official.

Apr 04, 2017, 11:13 AM IST

Donald Trump administration asked to push for F-16 sale to India

India has launched an effort to expand its combat aircraft fleet and the competition has reportedly narrowed down to Lockheed's F-16 and Saab's Gripen.

Mar 25, 2017, 14:22 PM IST

We're not here for your oil: Doanld Trump's defense chief to Iraq

The US military is not in Iraq "to seize anybody`s oil", Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said, distancing himself from remarks by President Donald Trump before arriving on an unannounced visit to Baghdad on Monday.

Feb 20, 2017, 13:19 PM IST

NATO allies must pay more or US will 'moderate its commitment': James Mattis

US Defence Secretary James Mattis warned NATO allies Wednesday that Washington would "moderate its commitment" to the alliance unless they boost their spending.

Feb 16, 2017, 00:09 AM IST

US defence chief hails NATO as 'fundamental bedrock'

US Defence Secretary James Mattis hailed NATO as the "fundamental bedrock" of transatlantic security as he sought to reassure allies today about President Donald Trump's commitment to the alliance.

Feb 15, 2017, 19:16 PM IST

Kabul endorses US general's call for additional troops

Kabul today endorsed US general John Nicholson's call for thousands of additional troops in Afghanistan to stave off a resurgent Taliban

Feb 10, 2017, 16:51 PM IST

US, Mexican security officials speak despite diplomatic rift

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto canceled a planned January summit of the two leaders after Donald Trump said his counterpart should not attend if he was unwilling to pay for the wall.

Feb 08, 2017, 09:24 AM IST