Iraqi militia

Iraqi parliament passes resolution to end foreign troop presence

A resolution passed by a special session of parliament said the government should cancel its request for assistance from a US-led coalition. Parliament resolutions, unlike laws, are non-binding to the government. But this one is likely to be heeded: Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi had earlier called on parliament to end foreign troop presence as soon as possible.

Jan 05, 2020, 21:10 PM IST

Iraqi militia leader condemns Turks' abduction, but slams Ankara policy

 The head of Asaib Ahl al-Haq, one of Iraq`s fiercest Shi`ite militias, on Thursday denounced the abduction of 18 Turkish workers in Baghdad earlier this month but condemned Turkey as Iraq`s biggest enemy.

Sep 18, 2015, 06:42 AM IST