industry reaction

India Inc wants more rate cuts as WPI slips further

With wholesale inflation slipping to (-)2.4 percent in June, India Inc today demanded a deeper cut in key policy rates by RBI to stimulate demand and boost investments, at a time when industrial growth has slowed down.

Jul 14, 2015, 16:03 PM IST

Satyam verdict a wake-up call for India Inc

The big message for India Inc is that the boards should take (corporate) governance very seriously, and to spend more time with the management.

Apr 09, 2015, 22:43 PM IST

With economy on upswing, India Inc expects higher growth trajectory

As the NDA government tabled the Economic Survey for 2014-15 Friday, India Inc expressed its hope that the economy is looking up and the growth prospects are bright to attain double digit growth trajectory in the coming years.

Feb 27, 2015, 18:45 PM IST