Immigration Ban

White House terms court order on travel ban 'dangerously flawed'

The White House on Tuesday termed as "dangerously flawed" a federal court decision to block President Donald Trump`s latest travel ban.

Oct 18, 2017, 05:20 AM IST

Donald Trump hails Supreme Court's ruling on travel ban, says verdict victory for national security

Donald Trump hailed Monday's Supreme Court ruling which partially reinstates the United States president's travel ban targeting citizens from six mainly Muslim countries as "a clear victory for our national security."

Jun 26, 2017, 23:43 PM IST

Federal judge blocks Donald Trump's new immigration ban

The executive order signed by US President Donald Trump also reduces from 110,000 to 50,000 the number of refugees the US would take in during 2017.

Mar 16, 2017, 09:01 AM IST

After court setback, Trump considers issuing new travel ban

US President Donald Trump may sign a new executive order to reinforce his immigration ban on seven Muslim-majority countries even as the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco refused an earlier version.

Feb 11, 2017, 18:40 PM IST

Donald Trump steps up attack on judge, court system over travel ban

It is unusual for a sitting president to attack a member of the judiciary, which the US Constitution designates as a check on the power of the executive branch and Congress.

Feb 06, 2017, 10:54 AM IST

Know more about the ''so-called judge'' derided by Donald Trump for lifting immigration ban

US Judge James Robart and his wife have no children but have been foster parents to several immigrant children over the years, primarily from Southeast Asia. 

Feb 06, 2017, 09:36 AM IST

Donald Trump's immigration ban in limbo after appeals court ruling

The Trump administration`s immigration order barring citizens from seven mainly Muslim countries and temporarily blocking refugees was in legal limbo on Sunday after an appeals court denied the Department of Justice`s request to restore the ban. 

Feb 05, 2017, 23:43 PM IST

Donald Trump’s immigration ban forces Pakistan-born cricketer to quit tournament

Babar has been living in the US since the age of 14 and had represented country under ICC’s seven-year residency rule.

Feb 04, 2017, 22:00 PM IST

Migration, Brexit and Donald Trump to dominate European Union summit

European Union leaders will try to rally together to revive the beleaguered bloc at a special summit in Malta Friday in the face of "threats" from migration, Brexit and Donald Trump.

Feb 03, 2017, 13:59 PM IST

Angelina Jolie slams Donald Trump's controversial immigration ban

Hollywood icon Angelina Jolie has slammed President Donald Trump's controversial immigration ban on seven Muslim-majority countries, saying that shutting the door on refugees or discriminating among them will not make America safer.

Feb 03, 2017, 13:59 PM IST

Donald Trump's immigration ban: New Zealand scientists express fears over future of environment

The Royal Society of New Zealand, the country's leading science organization, has expressed fears over future of international research on issues such as climate change and extreme weather following Trump's immigration ban policy. 

Feb 02, 2017, 17:04 PM IST

Arnold Schwarzenegger criticises Donald Trump's ban, calls it 'crazy'

The `Terminator` star, an immigrant from Austria who came to the United States in 1968, went on to sympathize with those affected by the order.

Feb 01, 2017, 15:04 PM IST

Barack Obama rejects Donald Trump immigration ban, backs protests

Former US President Barack Obama, in his first public statement after leaving office, rejected his successor Donald Trump`s controversial immigration ban and backed nationwide protests against the order, the media reported.

Jan 31, 2017, 09:29 AM IST

Pakistan could be included in immigration ban list in future: White House

There is a possibility in the future of including Pakistan in the list of countries from where immigration has been banned, a top White House official has indicated, acknowledging for the first time that Pakistan was under consideration to be put in that category of nations.

Jan 29, 2017, 23:14 PM IST

John Legend slams Donald Trump's immigration ban

Grammy winning singer John Legend has slammed President Donald Trump's immigration ban, saying America is "open to dreamers of all races, all countries and all religions".

Jan 29, 2017, 15:01 PM IST

Judge blocks part of Donald Trump's immigration ban for those in US

A federal judge blocked Saturday part of President Donald Trump`s temporary immigration ban, ordering authorities to stop deporting refugees and other travelers stuck at US airports.

Jan 29, 2017, 08:59 AM IST