Hydrological data

China starts sharing hydrological data for Brahmaputra river

China on Friday began sharing with India hydrological data for the Brahmaputra river, an annual practice during the monsoon which is crucial for generating information on floods in northeast India, officials said.

May 16, 2020, 09:40 AM IST

China shares Brahmaputra river's hydrological data with Bangladesh, but says no to India

China is expected to share hydrological data on the Sutlej and Brahmaputra rivers with India during the flood season of May 15 to June 15.

Sep 19, 2017, 22:56 PM IST

Hit by massive flooding of Brahmaputra river, Assam urges Centre to get hydrological data from China

Assam has been hit by massive flooding of the Brahmaputra river.

Aug 23, 2017, 21:36 PM IST