Horst Seehofer

German state premier invites US President-elect Donald Trump to visit

In contrast with many German and European officials, Seehofer warned soon after the November 8 US election against prejudging Trump too harshly.

Nov 25, 2016, 00:41 AM IST

German state premier invites Donald Trump to visit

The leader of the German state of Bavaria has invited Donald Trump to visit, reports said Thursday, after he urged European politicians to keep an open mind about the controversial US President-elect.

Nov 25, 2016, 00:10 AM IST

Relief but muted enthusiasm as Merkel vows to run again

The German economy is humming, the budget is balanced, unemployment is down, and her country is widely seen as the strongest voice in a troubled EU.

Nov 21, 2016, 19:30 PM IST

Berlin to list Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia as `safe countries of origin`: Vice chancellor

Germany will place Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia on the list of "safe countries of origin", Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel announced Thursday, in a move that will make it easier to reject asylum requests from those nationals.

Jan 29, 2016, 01:07 AM IST

Angela Merkel to hold talks with coalition partners on refugee crisis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold emergency talks with the leaders of her two coalition partners over the weekend in a bid to resolve a dispute over tackling the refugee crisis, which is threatening to tear apart her two-year old government, as thousands of asylum seekers continued to stream into this country.

Oct 31, 2015, 14:38 PM IST