Hillary Clinon

Donald Trump in pocket of gun lobby: Hillary Clinton

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continued her scathing attack on Republican rival Donald Trump, saying that he was a politician beholden to the gun lobby and that him as the U.S. President would mean "more kids at risk of violence and bigotry."

May 22, 2016, 10:09 AM IST

Clinton declares Trump a `threat` to US democracy

Hillary Clinton on Thursday blasted her likely general election rival Donald Trump as a threat to US democracy and declared him unqualified to be president, unleashing some of her toughest criticism yet of the Republican presumptive nominee.

May 20, 2016, 05:19 AM IST

White House declines comment on case of Beant Singh's assassin

The White House has declined comment on the case of Jagtar Singh Hawara, the main accused in the August 1995 assassination of then Punjab chief minister Beant Singh.

Jan 30, 2016, 12:17 PM IST