Herd immunity

Covid BF.7 variant may not be as serious as in China because India has...: Experts weigh in on possibility of new wave

Currently, there is enough capacity within India both for the Covid tests as well as therapy and vaccination.

Dec 25, 2022, 13:49 PM IST

Exclusive: Need to amp up vaccination in kids to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19 - Experts

"Vaccination in children should be ramped up for them to achieve immunity, to break the chain of infection, and also to achieve herd immunity," says Dr Farah Ingale.


Jan 16, 2022, 13:16 PM IST

Vaccination at 159 centers in Delhi

Amidst the danger of corona infection, the vaccination of children has started from today. Children between 15 to 18 years are to be vaccinated at the vaccination centers.

Jan 03, 2022, 14:38 PM IST

Vaccination at 159 centers in Delhi

Amidst the danger of corona infection, the vaccination of children has started from today. Children between 15 to 18 years are to be vaccinated at the vaccination centers.

Jan 03, 2022, 10:18 AM IST

Do not be afraid of Corona, 80% people in India have developed natural immunity

The cases of Omicron are increasing in the country, but it is not getting much effect among the people, because 80 percent of the people of the country have got natural immunity.

Jan 02, 2022, 16:30 PM IST

Delaying COVID vax will give virus opportunity to develop new variants

People should not delay taking COVID-19 vaccine as this will give virus an opportunity to develop new variants and some of them may reduce the efficacy of current vaccines, say healthcare experts.

Apr 28, 2021, 16:35 PM IST

India is ready with Plan b to defeat corona before vaccine comes

India may resort to Plan B to fight against COVID-19 through "Herd Immunity", which can prove to be a game changer.

May 07, 2020, 07:52 AM IST

Immunity Passport may decide course of politics and economy in future?

You should know how these Health Passport or Health Certificate would be issued in the future for work. At present, there is no standard procedure but there is a strong possibility of it in the future. 

May 07, 2020, 00:45 AM IST

Herd Immunity: Can India's Plan B get success against coronavirus?

India is striving hard to contain coronavirus pandemic along with the world, but the battle against the deadly virus can be won only through an effective strategy. So far, many countries are busy to find a vaccine but how much time will it take is difficult to say. 

May 06, 2020, 23:44 PM IST