heart failure

How Tai Chi can help older people with chronic ailments

A new study has linked the ancient Chinese exercise Tai Chi to improved physical capacity among older adults with certain common long term conditions.

Sep 18, 2015, 19:25 PM IST

Beet root juice may boost muscle power

Drinking concentrated beet root juice increases muscle power in patients with heart failure, new research has found.

Sep 17, 2015, 12:03 PM IST

AHA's 'Life's Simple 7' and diabetes care program reduce heart failure risk

A new study has revealed that American Heart Association's (AHA) Life's Simple 7 and Diabetes Shared Care Program (DSCP) can reduce risk of heart failure.

Sep 15, 2015, 23:44 PM IST

BP management can reduce heart disease death

Maintaining blood pressure at a lower than currently recommended level can significantly reduce risk of death due to cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and heart failure, as well as stroke, new research led by an Indian-origin doctor suggests.

Sep 15, 2015, 13:53 PM IST