Heart damage

COVID-19 patients suffer long-term lung and heart damage: Study

Researchers in the COVID-19 `hot spot` in the Tyrolean region of Austria recruited consecutive coronavirus patients to their study, who were hospitalised at the University Clinic of Internal Medicine in Innsbruck, the St Vinzenz Hospital in Zams or the cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation centre in Munster, Austria. 

Sep 07, 2020, 15:22 PM IST

Number of years spent in obesity may up heart damage risk

Maintaining a healthy weight across the lifespan is important for keeping the heart healthy and minimising damage as people age, the researchers said.

Feb 21, 2018, 17:32 PM IST

Calcium supplements raise risk of heart damage

The researchers found that among participants with highest dietary intake of calcium there was no increase in relative risk of developing heart disease over the 10-year study period.

Oct 12, 2016, 14:29 PM IST

A novel sensor detects heart damage within 10 minutes

A novel sensor can detect within 10 minutes a protein linked to heart attacks could also confirm heart muscle damage than standard tests.

Jan 07, 2016, 19:45 PM IST