H-1B visa programme

H-1B visa registration to begin on March 9, followed by lottery results: Check details

The US Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2022 'H-1B' cap will open on March 9 and run through March 25. The notification came a day after the Biden administration announced that it will continue with the traditional lottery system.

Feb 06, 2021, 23:29 PM IST

US allays India's concerns over H-1B visa, says there's no restriction

The year-over-year increase in terms of issuance of H-1B visas and L1 visas (work permit) to Indians is six per cent each, the official said.

Sep 14, 2017, 20:38 PM IST

US may lose its competitive edge due to H-1B clampdown: Report

Clampdown on H-1B visa programme will make it difficult for the US IT sector to attract open talent from countries like India and America might lose its competitive edge, a top American think-tank has said.

Aug 08, 2017, 13:03 PM IST

US may lose its competitive edge due to H-1B clampdown

As the Trump administration is carrying out a review of the non-immigrant visas, the Center for Global Development (CGD) in a report said that H-1B visa, the most sought after by Indian IT professionals, is beneficial for both India and the US.

Aug 08, 2017, 13:00 PM IST

H-1B visa unlikely to be thorny issue in Modi-Trump talks: USIBC

The H-1B visa programme is unlikely to be a thorny issue in the maiden meeting between US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the talks could yield a "win-win formula" for both the sides, a top American business advocacy group group said.

Jun 17, 2017, 15:03 PM IST

Donald Trump orders overhaul of H-1B visas, Indian techies to be hit

In a blow to Indian IT industry and professionals, US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order for tightening the rules of the H-1B visa programme to stop its "abuse" and ensure that the visas are given to the "most-skilled or highest paid" petitioners.

Apr 19, 2017, 19:47 PM IST

Life beyond H-1B: Try L1, EB5 visas, experts suggest

The cap for US H-1B visas for 2018 may have been reached but immigration experts say that Indian applicants, who form the majority of the recipients of such visas, have other options as well -- such as the L1 and EB5 visas.

Apr 19, 2017, 12:50 PM IST

H-1B premium processing suspended to handle huge rush

The US on Friday said the premium processing of H-1B visas, which are popular among Indian IT firms and professionals, has been suspended temporarily to handle the huge rush of applications for the work visas in the first week of April.

Mar 17, 2017, 11:26 AM IST

Applications for fiscal 2018 H1-B to be accepted from April 3

The Congressional mandated limit on H-1B visas include 65,000 in the general category and another 20,000 for those foreign students who have masters or higher degree from a US academic institution.

Mar 16, 2017, 15:19 PM IST

Donald Trump favours 'smart' Indian students staying back in US

Indians studying in American educational institutions should not be kicked out as the country needs smart people like them, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has said as he sought to set the record straight about his immigration policies.

Mar 15, 2016, 15:01 PM IST

I use H-1B visas, it should end: Donald Trump

Republican presidential front- runner Donald Trump today said the H-1B visa programme he uses to employ highly-skilled foreign workers at his own businesses should end as it is "very unfair" for American workers and has been taking away their jobs.

Mar 11, 2016, 10:38 AM IST

US Senators introduce legislation to cut H1B visas by 15,000

Two American Senators have introduced a legislation in the Senate proposing to cut the number of popular H-1B visas by 15,000 and that such a visa be given to highest wage earner first.

Dec 09, 2015, 14:21 PM IST

H-1B visa reform bill introduced in US Senate

Two US Senators have introduced a bipartisan legislation in the Senate seeking reform of H-1B visa programme and modify wage requirements while also calling for a sense of urgency against the "abuse of the system" over a scheme they claim has gotten away from its original intent.

Nov 11, 2015, 12:15 PM IST