Gurugram sex racket

Gurugram Sex Racket Busted; Uzbek Woman Arrested: Police

Kilicheva Aziza (46) said that she arrived in India in 2015 on a tourist visa and was part of the sex racket, according to the official. 

Jul 14, 2023, 08:13 AM IST

Sex racket busted in Gurugram massage parlour; 5 Thai women, 11 others arrested

A high-profile sex racket was busted in Gurugram by Haryana police on Wednesday. The racket was busted by the cops at a massage parlour in sector 29 of Gurugram.

Jul 04, 2018, 22:10 PM IST

High-profile sex racket busted in Gurugram, 16 people arrested

The sex racket was being operated from a guest house in Sector -39.

Dec 19, 2017, 09:15 AM IST