Google search results

Google uses mobile-first indexing for most pages in search results

Google introduced mobile-first indexing about two years ago as it found that an increasing number of people were searching on Google using a smartphone.

Dec 20, 2018, 12:14 PM IST

Google to allow users to comment on search results

Users will also be able to delete their comments.

Nov 19, 2018, 12:52 PM IST

Google adds SOS Alerts to search results, maps

To help its users gather information about unfolding natural, man-made or humanitarian disasters, Google has added SOS Alerts to its search results and maps tools.

Jul 26, 2017, 11:14 AM IST

Google ''Project Owl'' to curb fake news in its Search

The Google update, codenamed "Project Owl," gives consumers two new ways to report what they perceive as problems in the Search results.

Apr 27, 2017, 10:06 AM IST

Google search on mobile to turn more up-to-date vis-a-vis desktop results

Google is set to offer a twist to its online searches on mobile devices with up to date search results compared to those on the desktop.

Oct 14, 2016, 14:31 PM IST

Google removes first search results after EU ruling

Google has begun removing some search results to comply with a European Union ruling upholding citizens` right to have objectionable personal information about them hidden in search engines.

Jun 26, 2014, 17:54 PM IST