Global warming

Kashmir's Climate Crisis: Record Heat And Overcrowding Threaten Fragile Ecosystem

Soaring plains temperatures have driven millions to overcrowded hill stations in Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, and Himachal Pradesh, causing massive traffic jams and environmental strain.

May 27, 2024, 23:41 PM IST

Brazil Floods: Death Toll Rises To 90, Havoc Leaves 150,000 Homeless, Missing

The flooding has hampered rescue efforts, with dozens of people still waiting to be evacated by boat or helicopter from stricken homes. Small boats crisscrossed the flooded town searching for survivors.


May 08, 2024, 08:15 AM IST

DNA: Will world drown in glacier water?

Do you know that if the sea level continues to rise, the entire earth will be submerged in sea water. You can tolerate extreme heat. Even extreme cold can be tolerated.

Apr 24, 2024, 01:50 AM IST

ISRO Satellite Images Unveil Concerning Expansion of Himalayan Glacial Lake

The expanding glacial lakes also pose a significant risk of outburst floods which may have devastating effects on the communities living downstream.

Apr 23, 2024, 08:34 AM IST

How Climate Change Is Impacting Your Health - Check Expert's Warning

An expert shares that the adverse outcomes of climate change have contributed directly to adverse health effects, increased the burdens of communicable and non-communicable diseases and compromised healthcare delivery.

Apr 02, 2024, 10:05 AM IST

DNA: Red Alert for World due to increase in temperature

DNA: This time cold came to India late by about 15 days. The snow that falls on the mountains in January...fell in the beginning of February.

Feb 07, 2024, 23:54 PM IST

Weather Report: If Winter Comes Summer (Upto 40 Degree) Isn't Far Behind

The series of unexpected weather patterns experienced in February, culminating in concerns over a potentially scorching March, underscores the significant impact of climate change and the El Niño phenomenon on global weather systems.

Feb 06, 2024, 00:03 AM IST

Earth Shattered Global Heat Record In 2023 And It's Flirting With Warming Limit, European Agency Says

In one of the first of several teams of science agencies to calculate how off-the-charts warm 2023 was, the European climate agency Copernicus said the year was 1.48 degrees Celsius (2.66 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial times. 

Jan 09, 2024, 18:23 PM IST

DNA: Jakarta will sink into sea!

Due to Global Warming, glaciers are melting rapidly...the earth's temperature is increasing. The weather is changing all over the world including India. In some places there is drought and in other places unseasonal rains have made life difficult for people. Sea levels are rising every year, and all these problems have the same root... climate change. Jakarta city is the fastest sinking city in the world which has sunk 16 feet in 25 years.

Dec 12, 2023, 00:08 AM IST

DNA: Which countries will disappear due to rising sea levels?

Due to Global Warming, glaciers are melting rapidly... Due to these melting glaciers, the sea level has increased. If the sea level continues to rise in this manner, then by the year 2100, 5 countries will be submerged in the sea. Even though there are still 70-75 years left for these countries to be completely submerged, but gradually the effect of rising sea levels is becoming visible on these countries.

Dec 11, 2023, 23:38 PM IST

DNA: Modi in Dubai -- Last warning of global warming!

The problem of the whole world is to move forward on the path of industrial development without harming the environment. The earth's climate is paying the price of industrial development, which is harming the entire world. Climate change is a problem that is slowly being felt, but is showing fatal effects. The 28th COP meeting to discuss climate change, i.e. COP 28, is going on in UAE this year, in which 160 countries have participated this time. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also reached Dubai to attend this meeting. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed other countries here, in which he held some developed countries responsible for the problems being faced due to climate change. Without naming any country, he said that the entire world is paying the price for the actions of a few countries.

Dec 02, 2023, 00:14 AM IST

DNA: COP28 -- Will solution to climate change come from Dubai?

160 countries are discussing climate change at the COP-28 Summit in Dubai. All countries are giving suggestions on how to deal with the threat of climate change and what steps should be taken.

Dec 02, 2023, 00:08 AM IST

Change In Climatic Events May Start Impacting Brain Functioning In Future: Study

Study reveals that climate change events may change brain structure, function, and overall health, while calling for more research to evaluate how this may explain changes in well-being and behaviour.

Nov 27, 2023, 12:19 PM IST

DNA: DNA test on climate pollution

British Journal..The Lancet has released a study report on the damage caused by climate change yesterday, today and tomorrow. This report has been prepared by 52 research institutes from around the world and 114 scientists and experts associated with different agencies of the United Nations.

Nov 17, 2023, 00:46 AM IST

August Breaks 122 Year Old Heat, Dryness Records, Will September Follow Suit?

August 2023 saw a scorching mean maximum temperature of 35.4 degrees Celsius, surpassing the normal by 1.2 degrees. 

Sep 01, 2023, 17:09 PM IST

Does Global Warming Mean Climate Change? NASA Scientist Explains

Climate change and global warming are often used synonymously by people, however, they are not same thing. Let's explore the difference between these two terms.

Aug 04, 2023, 16:33 PM IST

July 2023 Set To Be World's Hottest Month Ever; UN Warns 'It Is Just The Beginning'

Normally, the global mean temperature for July is around 16 degrees Celsius, but this month, it has surged to nearly 17 degrees Celsius. 

Jul 27, 2023, 20:19 PM IST

Rise In Temperature May Cause Increase In Hospital Visits, Death: Study

The study findings confirm there was an increase in the total deaths and hospital visits in specific areas with the highest impact happening on the day of the heat and poor air quality. 

Jul 27, 2023, 15:19 PM IST

Chill Out In Style! Japan’s Ingenious Fan Shirts Take Internet By Storm

Fans attached to the shirts ingeniously draw in fresh outside air, which evaporates sweat and releases heat through vaporisation.

Jul 25, 2023, 11:50 AM IST