Getting It Right

BJP-ruled states are worse than the others because they are frivolous

On the whole BJP-ruled states are not doing very well because of theatrics and outright populism.

Aug 10, 2018, 14:02 PM IST

Mindless meddling: The anti-business disease of Maharashtra's order on food in multiplexes

Mumbai is struggling in the rain. But the government seems more interested in mindlessly populist meddling with non-essential movie-watching.

Aug 04, 2018, 18:17 PM IST

Damn India's cities, running them is not glamourous enough for our politicians

Our political masters are interested only in things that are exciting, and not doing things right.

Jul 31, 2018, 19:53 PM IST

Narendra Modi's foot-in-mouth ministers should measure their words

Two Union ministers made statements that directly undermine the rule of law. This could have dangerous repercussions.

Jul 20, 2018, 13:26 PM IST

Shashi Tharoor must chill, 'Hindu Pakistan' remark was unnecessary hyperbole

Maybe the hyperbole confirms that Shashi Tharoor has fully joined the ranks of Indian political tradition.

Jul 13, 2018, 14:07 PM IST

India a land of many centuries: Lynchings exist side-by-side with the modern

we have industrial hubs, cosmopolitan pockets, metropolitan cities, metrosexual men, emancipated women, and instances of lynching. Many centuries also live in India, some of them making all of us uneasy.

Jul 07, 2018, 15:40 PM IST

Petty politicking should stop when India faces international embarrassment

Both the Congress and the BJP are guilty of often putting petty politics ahead of India's image and inetrests.

Jun 29, 2018, 19:41 PM IST

Sterlite shutdown - Myopic decision

The Tamil Nadu Environment & Forests Department’s Government Order for the “permanent” closure of Sterlite Copper, the Vedanta Group’s copper smelter plant in Thoothukudi, is shortsighted and grievous. It doesn’t augur well for industrialization—not only in Tamil Nadu, which is a leading industrial state, but also in the entire country.

May 30, 2018, 10:31 AM IST

Bank privatisation is only solution

Neither the PCA nor any other framework can cure the banking sector, for the problem is structural rather than functional: it is the government ownership that is at the heart of the rot. 

May 24, 2018, 16:19 PM IST

Price controls: Remedy worse than malady

The wise, they say, learn from the mistakes of others, while fools learn from their own mistakes. Our political masters refuse to learn any sensible lesson.

May 10, 2018, 18:48 PM IST

On his 200th birth anniversary, Karl Marx continues to haunt us

Marxism is at the end of a day a collectivist and totalitarian philosophy. And, at the heart of collectivism and totalitarianism lies darkness.

May 03, 2018, 14:00 PM IST

In their blindness, there is no difference between Asaram bhakts and Leftists

It is easy to dismiss or ridicule Asaram's bhaktas as irrational people, but their behaviour is the same as those who continued to support the horrors of Russia and China.

Apr 27, 2018, 18:42 PM IST

Left-liberal warning in bid to remove Chief Justice of India: If you are not with us...

Justice Chandrachud was a hero when he slammed the Modi government over privacy. Now, he is a villain, because if you are not with us… 

Apr 21, 2018, 14:10 PM IST

Mainstreaming the Northeast: What might work, and what might not

To what extent the Northeastern states succeed will depend on several factors. It is, however, indubitable that the direction is right.

Apr 18, 2018, 20:03 PM IST

Sleep of reason produces monsters and Bharat bandh

Parochial and knee-jerk reactions from the political class and intellectuals have left no room for meaningful interface and dialogue over the Supreme Court's order on the SC/ST Act.

Apr 05, 2018, 12:28 PM IST

Still wedded to Socialism, Congress has learnt nothing and forgotten nothing

The recent Congress plenary session has showed that the Congress still wants to undo the liberalisation that its own government started in 1991.

Mar 20, 2018, 12:16 PM IST

Mandatory CSR is morally reprehensible, logically repugnant, and economically wasteful

Compulsory CSR also flies in the face of Make in India programme.

Mar 13, 2018, 13:45 PM IST