French magazine

DNA: 'Charlie Hebdo' again dares to publish controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet

Five years after Islamist terrorists stormed its offices in Paris and slaughtered 12 people and injured at least 11. The French magazine Charlie Hebdo on September 1 republished the controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet, which had provoked that attack.

Sep 02, 2020, 23:42 PM IST

French magazine found guilty over topless photos of British Duchess

William and Kate, who announced on Monday that they were expecting a third child, said they were pleased with the court ruling and the matter was now closed. 

Sep 05, 2017, 22:41 PM IST

Bulgaria approves extradition of Charlie Hebdo killer relative

A Bulgarian court ordered today that the brother-in-law of one of the men who attacked French magazine Charlie Hebdo be extradited to France after he was caught allegedly trying to join Islamic State fighters in Syria.

Aug 16, 2016, 21:30 PM IST