
Meet three-year-old Chinese boy whose head expanded like balloon!

Xin Xin was born with hydrocephalus, a build-up of fluid inside his skull which can be deadly.

Jun 15, 2017, 21:40 PM IST

Coconut water best for pregnant women

Apart from other beneficial qualities, it has been found that coconut water is one of the best source of nutrients for pregnant women.

Jan 07, 2016, 16:00 PM IST

Dog slurping is no sloppy job

Looking at how dogs with their tongue raise fluids into their mouths to drink, researchers have discovered that sloppy-looking actions at the dog bowl are in fact high-speed, precisely timed movements that optimise a dogs' ability to acquire fluids.

Dec 15, 2015, 18:42 PM IST

Activity may help you keep knee pain at bay

Synovial fluid that fills our joints plays the essential roles of supporting weight and lubricating joint surfaces. 

Oct 26, 2015, 16:22 PM IST