fat people

Children fall heir to obesity from parents, says research

This research is very much relevant to Indian population as around 30 million people in the country are obese, medical experts say.

Feb 26, 2017, 12:11 PM IST

Humiliation bothers obese air travellers the most!

Feelings of shame and humiliation bother obese air passengers more than tight seat belts and tiny seats, says a study.

May 27, 2016, 09:06 AM IST

BMI an inaccurate health indicator; mislabels millions of healthy people as 'obese'

The study led by UCLA psychologists has found that the use of BMI to assess a person's health has led to more than 54 million Americans as 'obese' and 'unhealthy', even though they are not.

Feb 05, 2016, 13:08 PM IST

Rihanna's joke handbook gives least lunch time to fat people

Singer Rihanna has come up with strict rules for the employees of her company Fenty Corp, where she has defined lunch time depending on the size of people.

Sep 27, 2015, 09:18 AM IST