FPI net inflow kitty at Rs 10,000 crore in March so far

Foreign investors pumped in over Rs 10,000 crore in the Indian capital markets this month so far and the trend is expected to continue in coming weeks following the BJP's stunning show in the assembly elections.

Mar 12, 2017, 11:51 AM IST

Poland risks EU isolation in wake of Tusk debacle

The bloc's leaders voted by 27 to one at a Brussels summit to give former Polish premier Tusk a new two-and-a-half-year mandate -- with only Poland's current Prime Minister Beata Szydlo voting against.

Mar 11, 2017, 00:14 AM IST

EU emits "final warning" to Britain, France on air pollution

The EU ordered five member countries including Britain, France and Germany to tighten controls on smog-causing car pollution or risk being sent to the top European court.

Feb 15, 2017, 22:28 PM IST

British government says will not allow lawmakers to block Brexit

Lawmakers seeking to change Theresa May`s Brexit strategy will not be able to block Britain from leaving the European Union, May`s spokeswoman said on Monday before a debate on possible amendments to legislation in parliament.

Feb 06, 2017, 18:01 PM IST

UK parliament votes in favour of starting Brexit process

Britain moved one step closer to a final separation from the EU as members of the UK parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of allowing the government to begin Brexit negotiations.

Feb 02, 2017, 10:59 AM IST

EU warns Britain against pre-Brexit trade talks

Brussels warned Britain Monday that it must must refrain from any formal negotiations for bilateral trade deals with third countries until after its divorce from the EU.

Jan 23, 2017, 19:56 PM IST

Theresa May puts Britain on course for `hard` Brexit

European Union president Donald Tusk said British Prime Minister Theresa May speech gave a "more realistic" picture of what London wanted.

Jan 17, 2017, 21:38 PM IST

French President Francois Hollande says EU requires no 'outside advice'

French President Francois Hollande has that the European Union (EU) "does not need external advice" to tell it what it has to do, a media report said on Tuesday.

Jan 17, 2017, 09:58 AM IST

Britain threatens to undercut EU if Brexit plans fail

Britain warned Sunday it might undercut the EU economically if it cannot obtain both single market access and immigration controls, as Prime Minister Theresa May prepared her big Brexit strategy speech.

Jan 15, 2017, 23:09 PM IST

Europe saw huge decline in migrant arrivals in 2016: EU

The influx of over 1 million asylum seekers into the EU in 2015 triggered the worst refugee and migrant crisis on the continent since World War II.

Jan 06, 2017, 18:50 PM IST

EU condemns Istanbul nightclub attack

"It is our common responsibility to repel terrorism. Let me assure you and through you the people of Turkey that you can count on our continued support in this endeavour," European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said.

Jan 01, 2017, 22:00 PM IST

EU extends sanctions against Russia for six months

The European Union on Monday extended for another six months damaging economic sanctions against Russia over its intervention in Ukraine.

Dec 19, 2016, 21:15 PM IST

European Union seeks to calm budget row with Greece

Austerity-wracked Greece could strike a deal with its creditors by early next year, a senior EU official said Sunday, seeking to calm a recent row over surprise handouts announced by Athens.

Dec 18, 2016, 19:40 PM IST

Brexit: Britain bids adieu to EU

With the UK's fate in the EU on a knife-edge, millions of Britons voted in the historic referendum in June that was to decide on whether the country will stay in or leave the 28-nation bloc after an acrimonious campaign

Dec 17, 2016, 17:15 PM IST

EU condemns terrorist attack at church in Cairo

The European Union (EU) on Sunday condemned the terrorist attack at a Coptic church in Cairo which claimed 25 lives and wounded 49 others.

Dec 12, 2016, 03:34 AM IST

EU, Mali sign deal to return migrants

The European Union on Sunday signed an agreement with the Malian government aimed at enabling the return of migrants who have reached Europe`s shores, and whose asylum requests have been refused.

Dec 12, 2016, 02:42 AM IST

EU fines HSBC, JP Morgan and Credit Agricole $520 million over interest rate rigging

The EU's top anti-trust regulator on Wednesday slapped fines on banks HSBC, JP Morgan and Credit Agricole for rigging the Euribor interest rate benchmark used for a wide range of financial instruments.

Dec 07, 2016, 19:05 PM IST

Eurozone unemployment falls below 10% for first time since April 2011

Unemployment in the eurozone has fallen below the symbolic mark of 10 percent for the first time since April 2011, EU data showed on Thursday.

Dec 01, 2016, 22:22 PM IST

Scotland, Wales demand access to EU's single market as part of Brexit deal

During talks after the British Irish Council Summit, Sturgeon and Jones also discussed ways in which the ambitions of Scotland and Wales can be fulfilled.

Nov 26, 2016, 03:39 AM IST

Tony Blair tells the British he believes Brexit can still be stopped

The former Labour Party leader said that he was not advocating it should be stopped, rather that it could happen if the reasons were compelling.

Nov 25, 2016, 02:45 AM IST