Brexit prospect stokes dream of independent Scotland

Sitting in a Dundee park, two students discuss their hopes and dreams and, while they fear the prospect of Britain leaving the EU, they relish what it could bring -- a second chance at Scottish independence.

May 20, 2016, 07:36 AM IST

EU lends reprieve to Spain, Portugal on deficits

Spain and Portugal received unexpected reprieve to meet the EU limits on public deficits on Wednesday as Brussels delayed a decision to slap fines against the rule-breakers until July.

May 18, 2016, 19:35 PM IST

ECB bond-buying scheme faces new lawsuit in Germany

A group of German businessmen and academics are taking the European Central Bank to court over its controversial bond-buying programme, their lawyer said on Tuesday.

May 17, 2016, 23:08 PM IST

German politicians say Merkel left EU exposed to Turkish blackmail

German politicians accused Chancellor Angela Merkel at the weekend of making Europe overly dependent on Turkey in the migrant crisis, leaving the bloc vulnerable to blackmail by President Tayyip Erdogan.

May 15, 2016, 22:29 PM IST

Nearly half of Europeans in poll want own votes on EU, like UK

Nearly half of voters in eight big European Union countries want to be able to vote on whether to remain members of the bloc, just as Britons will in a referendum next month, according to an opinion poll published on Monday.

May 09, 2016, 15:06 PM IST

EU's Juncker: Brexit would have 'unforeseeable consequences'

The EU this week cut its eurozone growth forecasts for the year, listing the danger of Britain leaving the bloc as among the risk factors weighing on the economic recovery.

May 09, 2016, 03:56 AM IST

'India, US want UK to stay in EU to safeguard their interests'

India and the US want the UK to stay in the EU to "look after their interests", a top European Parliament member has said and underlined that Brexit would be a "seismic shock" for the bloc if it goes through.

May 08, 2016, 18:57 PM IST

London set for Muslim mayor as elections shake UK parties

London was poised to become the first EU capital with a Muslim mayor Friday as Sadiq Khan took the lead in elections that saw his opposition Labour party suffer nationwide setbacks.

May 06, 2016, 20:55 PM IST

Pope Francis asks Europe to tear down walls

Pope Francis on Friday asked Europe to "tear down" the walls being built to keep out migrants and to create a radical new "social economy" serving the many not the few.

May 06, 2016, 20:38 PM IST

Brexit would make UK 'less attractive' for Japanese companies: Abe

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Thursday warned that Britain would become "less attractive" for Japanese investment if it votes to leave the European Union in a membership referendum in June.

May 05, 2016, 18:28 PM IST

US-EU trade deal 'risks' emerge in leak

A massive US-EU trade deal would harm the environment and consumer safety, Greenpeace said Monday citing secret documents it leaked, as Brussels dismissed the release as a "storm in a teacup".

May 02, 2016, 21:04 PM IST

Europe could learn from India in tackling migrant crisis: Australian official

 Europe can learn from India in tackling the migrant crisis as the country has experience in dealing with migrants and integrating them, a top Austrian official has said.

Apr 30, 2016, 13:11 PM IST

Obama urges Britain not to leave EU

Obama's opinion on the EU debate is a boost to the campaign of British Prime Minister David Cameron in favour of the country staying in the EU.

Apr 22, 2016, 18:39 PM IST

Obama says Brexit vote of `deep interest` to US

 US President Barack Obama said Friday that Britain`s referendum on its EU membership was of "deep interest" to the United States and would affect the prospects of Americans too.

Apr 22, 2016, 05:37 AM IST

EU opens new Google battle with Android charges

The EU opened a new front against Google on Wednesday, slapping the US giant with anti-trust charges alleging it had abused the dominance of its Android mobile phone operating system.

Apr 20, 2016, 17:07 PM IST

Greece mulls extra cuts to clinch EU-IMF debt talks: Source

Greece is examining a proposal by its creditors for additional cuts in return for debt relief, a government source said Monday as reform talks with senior EU-IMF officials were due to resume.

Apr 18, 2016, 19:26 PM IST

Brexit could cost UK economy six percentage points: Treasury

If Britain leaves the European Union its economy could be six percentage points smaller than it would otherwise have been by 2030, the finance ministry warned in a report on Monday that was dismissed as scaremongering by eurosceptics.

Apr 18, 2016, 19:15 PM IST

Brexit could shrink UK economy by 6%: Treasury

Britain's exit from the European Union could see its economy shrink by six per cent by 2030 and cause "permanent" economic damage, the country's finance ministry will say in an analysis due out Monday, according to media reports.

Apr 18, 2016, 16:00 PM IST

Returning ISIS recruits can be used against terror group: EU

Gilles de Kerchove, EU's Counter-terrorism Coordinator, said that a blanket criminalisation of all individuals returning from Syria and Iraq was unproductive.

Apr 17, 2016, 16:57 PM IST

Will submit clarification to EMA on clinical study data:Alkem Laboratories

Drug maker Alkem Laboratories on Saturday said it will submit 'suitable clarifications' to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) over a decision by the drug regulator to review two drugs for which clinical trial studies were conducted by the Mumbai-based firm

Apr 16, 2016, 18:26 PM IST