environment news

Baat Pate Ki: The orgy of floods in China created havoc all around

Heavy rain wreaks havoc in China. Due to which many provinces have been flooded and many roads have been submerged by flood water. The vehicles were washed away in the water like a straw.

Jul 31, 2023, 22:46 PM IST

China Floods News: Floods wreak havoc in China

Heavy rain wreaks havoc in China. Due to which many provinces have been flooded and many roads have been submerged by flood water. The vehicles were washed away in the water like a straw.

Jul 31, 2023, 18:08 PM IST

Clean-freak gorilla walks like a human to avoid getting his hands dirty - Watch

The 18-year-old ape walks upright when he has food in his hands to keep both his hands and the food clean, instead of leaning forward on his knuckles.

Mar 23, 2018, 17:01 PM IST

Global carbon emissions hit record high in 2017

Energy demand rose by 0.9 percent in 2016 and 0.9 percent on average over the previous five years.

Mar 22, 2018, 18:00 PM IST

Study calls for urgent climate-proofing, says extreme weather events more frequent

These extreme weather events carry substantial economic costs, scientists pointed out.

Mar 22, 2018, 12:56 PM IST

World Water Day: Do your bit to save water, start at home – Here's how

When we neglect our ecosystems, we make it harder to provide everyone with the water we need to survive and thrive. 

Mar 22, 2018, 10:45 AM IST

World Water Day: Bengaluru may soon run out of water, says study

The study mentioned nine other cities that too may face a water shortage soon.

Mar 22, 2018, 09:53 AM IST

Worldwide glacier melting can't be prevented in this century: Study

According to researchers, 500 meters by car with a mid-range vehicle will cost one kilogram of glacier ice in the long run.

Mar 21, 2018, 15:34 PM IST

International Day of Forests: Reasons why greenery is important for human survival

Forests provide a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits that improve our quality of life.

Mar 21, 2018, 11:56 AM IST

Carcass of sea creature resembling Loch Ness Monster washes ashore at Georgia beach - See pic

The marine creature stretched to around 5 feet and had an elongated neck and a small head.

Mar 20, 2018, 17:58 PM IST

World could see 140 million climate migrants by 2050: Report

The exodus could create a looming humanitarian crisis and will threaten the development process.

Mar 20, 2018, 17:22 PM IST

France-sized Antarctic glacier has scientists concerned – Here's why

According to NASA monitoring, between 2002 and 2016, Antarctica lost 125 gigatonnes of ice per year, causing sea levels worldwide to rise by 0.35 millimeters annually.

Mar 20, 2018, 17:15 PM IST

Sudan, the world's last male northern white rhino dies in Kenya

Sudan was being treated for age-related complications that had affected his muscles and bones and also gave him extensive skin wounds.

Mar 20, 2018, 12:54 PM IST

World Sparrow Day: Facts about our feathered friends and why they are disappearing

Once found in huge numbers across the world, the sparrow is slowly making its way to the endangered list.

Mar 20, 2018, 12:29 PM IST

We enforce strict quality control: Indian companies on plastic in water bottles report

The findings suggested that a person who drinks a liter of bottled water a day might be consuming tens of thousands of microplastic particles each year.

Mar 16, 2018, 15:40 PM IST

Sounds of a real 'volcanic thunder' recorded for the first time – Listen

In the future, researchers could use thunder as a proxy for volcanic lightning, which is produced by charged particles in the ash clouds. 

Mar 16, 2018, 11:04 AM IST

Toilet water as tasty as bottled water, say scientists

Two-thirds of humanity currently live in zones that experience water scarcity at least one month a year. Half of those people are in China and India.

Mar 15, 2018, 16:39 PM IST

Rare Australian dolphin at risk of extinction: Study

They are considered vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of threatened species.

Mar 14, 2018, 16:33 PM IST

China 'winning' war on smog, helping life expectancy: Study

As public discontent mounted over the country's choking smog, China's ruling Communist Party made clean air a priority.

Mar 13, 2018, 18:20 PM IST

Watch: Orangutan in Indonesian zoo caught smoking a cigarette

This is not the first that a zoo orangutan has been caught sneaking a smoke in Indonesia, which has an abysmal record of animal protection and one of the world's highest smoking rates.

Mar 09, 2018, 10:46 AM IST