Dust storm in Delhi

PM10 Levels Off Charts As Winds Raising Dust Sweep Delhi

Meteorologists have attributed the dusty conditions to a combination of intense heat in northwest India over the past five days, parched soil due to the absence of rainfall, and strong winds that have persisted since midnight.

May 16, 2023, 20:08 PM IST

DNA: Delhi Storm -- When will Delhi's drainage system improve?

The drainage system of Delhi is now very old. The last master plan on the drainage system in Delhi came in the year 1976 and at that time the population of Delhi was only 41 lakhs but today it is about two crores.

Jun 01, 2022, 02:00 AM IST

DNA: Why 300 trees were uprooted in Delhi storm?

300 trees got uprooted due to severe intensity storm and rains in the National Capital Delhi. The surprising thing was that all the trees that were uprooted had less soil in their roots

Jun 01, 2022, 01:54 AM IST

DNA: Analysis of Delhi's helplessness in half-hour of storm

Half-hour of rain and storm made India's capital helpless. The situation was such that many people in Delhi got badly trapped. Due to this storm, about 300 trees were uprooted. But the helplessness of the administration has raised many serious questions.

Jun 01, 2022, 01:26 AM IST