dog breeds

8 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

Jun 21, 2024, 13:23 PM IST

International Dog Day: 10 Dog Breeds For Senior Citizens

The companionship of a dog can greatly enhance the lives of senior citizens, providing them with unconditional love and a daily routine that promotes physical activity and mental engagement.

Aug 26, 2023, 13:11 PM IST

Therapeutic Benefits Of Pets: 6 Ways Your Furry Friends Can Improve Your Mental Health

Whether it's a playful dog, a purring cat, or any other cherished pet, the emotional support they provide can be a ray of hope for those facing mental health challenges.

Jul 29, 2023, 17:59 PM IST

World's Top 13 Deadliest Dogs

Dogs are among the most favourite pets of humans. They are not just known to be extremely playful and loyal to their owners, but can also turn dangerous too on given occasion. Depending on the training and situation, dogs can cause some serious fatal attacks on humans if they turn aggressive.

Jun 04, 2023, 16:16 PM IST

10 Longest Living Dogs In The World

May 26, 2023, 17:35 PM IST

10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds In World


May 24, 2023, 18:49 PM IST

Planning To Become A Dog Parent? Here Are 5 Reasons How Your Furry Pet Can Improve Your Health

Dogs are not only man’s best friend but can also contribute to your wellbeing; Here’s how these furballs can improve your overall health. 

Mar 13, 2023, 17:35 PM IST

Want To Become A Pet Parent? Check Which Dog Breed To Adopt For Your Companionship

Having a fur-friend is always a good idea as all they are gonna ask for is love, affection and your time; Check these 5 dog breeds with whom you can share your apartment with. 

Feb 27, 2023, 19:45 PM IST

International Dog’s Day 2021: Know about the rarest dog breeds on this special day!

A very happy International Dog’s day to all the dog lovers out there! It is marked on August 26, annually to celebrate all dog breeds. So, on this International Dog’s Day we have brought you the rarest species of dogs you might have never heard of.

Aug 26, 2021, 15:32 PM IST