
Six ways to lose weight without dieting!

Try these small steps to drop those excess kilos without giving up your favourite foods.

Feb 18, 2016, 10:57 AM IST

Revealed! How to stay slim without dieting

Researchers studied the behavior of 112 adults who didn't follow any kind of restrictive diet and who managed to stay slim without any particular effort, and another group of 35 adults who regularly dieted, thought about food often and were highly conscious of what they ate, particularly in terms of calories.

Feb 15, 2016, 10:53 AM IST

How to detox post festivals!

Adopt this post-festival detox plan to get back in shape.

Nov 18, 2015, 17:33 PM IST

Low fat diets no better than high fat ones in the long-term!

For any weight-loss program what matters most is that more calories are burnt than what are consumed and towards this exercising regularly is the best option with restrained intake of food.

Nov 15, 2015, 10:45 AM IST

Know what to eat to slow down ageing

Here’s a list of five super food that can actually make a difference to our body system.

Oct 24, 2015, 00:14 AM IST