
Exclusive: Can Movie Time Help In Getting Rid Of Mental Health Issues

Mental Health Issues: Ms Honey Gudh (ICF Certified PCC Credentialed Life Coach, Head Coach Trainer and Co-Founder of Cocoweave Coaching International) shares her valuable inputs with Zee News Digital.


Jun 19, 2024, 17:20 PM IST

1 In 2 Children With ADHD Likely To Experience Depression, Claims Study - Here's Why

The study showed that children with only low ADHD symptoms but with a high score of emotion dysregulation at age 13 years were 2.85 times more likely to have developed high ADHD symptoms by age 14 years. Using brain imaging data, they found that pars orbitalis was smaller among children who scored highly for ADHD and emotional problems.

May 23, 2024, 16:07 PM IST

Low To Moderate Intensity Exercise Linked To Reduced Depression: Study

The analysis, published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, found that physical activity reduced the risk of depression by 23 per cent and anxiety by 26 per cent. 

Apr 25, 2024, 12:16 PM IST

DNA: Important information for those giving mobile phones to children

AIIMS on Kids Mobile Addiction: AIIMS on Kids Mobile Addiction: People of all ages are unable to distance themselves from mobile phones to get entertainment.

Mar 08, 2024, 22:40 PM IST

Paula Badosa: All You Need To Know About Left-Handed Spanish Star Who Dominated Tennis World With Her Right Hand - In Pics

In the illustrious world of tennis, where every stroke and serve narrates tales of determination and triumph, emerges a luminary whose story transcends the boundaries of the court. Paula Badosa, the Spanish tennis sensation, captivates not only with her unparalleled skills but also with her captivating journey both on and off the hallowed grounds of Wimbledon. From her humble beginnings to her meteoric rise as one of the sport's brightest stars, join us as we delve into the fascinating narrative of Paula Badosa, uncovering the layers of her success, the depth of her resilience, and the magic of her enduring spirit. Welcome to the extraordinary world of Paula Badosa, where every point scored is a testament to her unwavering passion and unwavering dedication.

Feb 10, 2024, 08:00 AM IST

Feeling Low? Kiwi Fruit May Help Improve Your Mental Health In 4 Days: Study

Vitamin C intake has been associated with improved mood, vitality, well-being, and lower depression, while vitamin C deficiency is associated with higher depression and cognitive impairment.


Jan 28, 2024, 15:18 PM IST

Having A Baby? Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Affect Your Health - Read How

Pregnancy coupled with the cyclical nature of SAD can create a unique set of challenges. Here’s how. 

Jan 18, 2024, 15:20 PM IST

Noida Woman Jumps To Death From Highrise With Baby In Arms: How To Prevent And Manage Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a mood disorder among women who suffer from long-lasting sadness, anxiety and impaired function after childbirth. It can have severe consequences including a woman contemplating self-harm and harming their baby.

Jan 11, 2024, 16:40 PM IST

Early Risers Might Be At Risk Of Developing Eating Disorder: Study

The study found that having anorexia nervosa could lead to an earlier wake time. It also revealed a link between anorexia nervosa and insomnia risk.

Jan 07, 2024, 14:18 PM IST

Impact Of Seasonal Affective Disorder On Pregnant Women - Expert Explains

The challenge of diagnosing SAD in pregnant women lies in distinguishing between typical pregnancy-related mood changes and clinically significant depressive symptoms.

Dec 29, 2023, 12:40 PM IST

Menstrual Cycles Can Spur Daily Suicide Risk: Study

Most patients in the study at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) reported significant elevation of psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and hopelessness in the premenstrual and early menstrual phases. 

Dec 16, 2023, 13:35 PM IST

Winter Depression: Expert Tips To Overcome Seasonal Blues And Boost Mental Health

Don't dismiss the winter gloom as mere blues, it's more than that. Understand the impact of no-sun days on mental health and unveil strategies to triumph over seasonal challenges.

Dec 02, 2023, 12:44 PM IST

Having Yogurt Daily May Help Boost Mental Health: Study

Researchers have discovered how Lactobacillus, a bacterium found in fermented foods and yogurt, helps the body manage stress and may help prevent depression and anxiety.

Dec 02, 2023, 09:55 AM IST

Poor Nutrition Can Spur Risk Of Anxiety, Depression, And Diabetes: Study

Study reveals mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety, increase the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, and diabetes is also linked with an increased risk of developing depression and anxiety. 

Nov 22, 2023, 12:35 PM IST

Sleeping Less Than 5 Hours A Night Might Raise Depression Risk: Study

Both sleep duration and depression are partly inherited from one generation to the next, according to researchers. 


Oct 21, 2023, 14:08 PM IST

Mind-Skin Connection: Expert Shares How Emotions Impact Your Skin Health And Vice-Versa

Ever noticed how stress can show on your skin? Psychodermatology, helps explore how emotions and skin health are intertwined, revealing a fascinating mind-skin connection. Let's find out more!


Oct 15, 2023, 19:11 PM IST

World Mental Health Day: Why Workplaces Need To Prioritize Employee’s Mental Health - Expert Explains

Dr Reema Gupta, Consultant, Clinical Psychology, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh explains how workplace stress can contribute to mental stress. 

Oct 10, 2023, 19:45 PM IST

World Mental Health Day: 5 Ways to Safeguard Children From Anxiety And Depression

On World Mental Health Day 2023 - October 10 - here are five steps that parents, caregivers and teachers can take to prevent mental health issues in children.

Oct 10, 2023, 08:58 AM IST

World Mental Health Day 2023: Theme, History, Significance And All About The Day

World Mental Health Day is observed every year on 10 October. Here is everything to know about today.

Oct 09, 2023, 21:01 PM IST