demonetisation benefits

DNA: What changed in 6 years of demonetisation?

Tomorrow will complete 6 years since the decision of demonetisation came into force on 8th November 2016. When demonetisation was implemented, this decision was repeatedly questioned, it was made a narrative that it would ruin the country's economy, we would go back many decades but nothing like this happened. Demonetisation has given a new direction to the country's economy and to understand this one must watch this DNA report.

Nov 08, 2022, 00:08 AM IST

Demonetisation – From a closely guarded secret to facts that went into the decision

The plan to demonetise rupee 500 and rupee 1000 bank notes was kept highly confidential.

Nov 08, 2017, 13:24 PM IST

One year of demonetisation: How note ban has impacted black money, tax collections

Among the main objectives of demonetisation was the flushing out of black money and also conversion of the non-formal economy into a formal economy to expand the tax base.

Nov 08, 2017, 11:27 AM IST