Demilitarized zone

US bombers, fighters, stage show of force off North Korean coast

The Pentagon said the mission was designed to show the many military options US President Donald Trump had to deal with the grave threat presented by the North Korean nuclear program.

Sep 24, 2017, 00:02 AM IST

South Korea military fires warning shots at object flying near border with North Korea

South Korea has repeatedly accused the North of flying suspected spy drones across the tense border. 

May 23, 2017, 15:03 PM IST

US State Secretary Rex Tillerson seeks new North Korea plan on Seoul visit

Washington`s top diplomat arrived in the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas to gaze on the North for himself Friday, a day after he declared 20 years of efforts to denuclearise it had failed.

Mar 17, 2017, 09:11 AM IST