delhi markaz

Delhi court sentences 284 foreign Tablighi Jamaat members from 21 countries

A Delhi court on Thursday sentenced as many as 284 foreign Tablighi Jamaat members from 21 countries to stand till rise of the court.

Jul 16, 2020, 16:11 PM IST

CBI to probe Nizamuddin Markaz chief Maulana Saad in foreign funding matter

In fresh trouble for Tablighi Jamaat chief Maulana Saad, the CBI is conducting investigations in matters related to foreign funding and probable Hawala links. 

May 29, 2020, 07:20 AM IST

Tablighi Jamaat members 'misbehave' with hospital staff

The Tablighi Jamaat members admitted to a hospital in Delhi and Uttar Pradesh have allegedly refused to take medicines and misbehaved with the medical staff. Tablighi Jamaat members demanded egg biryani and television in the center. They did not even follow the instruction of social distancing as performed Namaz together.

Apr 06, 2020, 09:34 AM IST

Coronavirus infections in Mumbai reach 458, 30 people dead

In some states, the coronavirus cases are increasing like wildfire and in Mumbai on Sunday, April 9 more than 50 coronavirus infections were reported. Alone in Mumbai, the coronavirus cases have reached 458 and 30 people have died.

Apr 06, 2020, 08:14 AM IST

Did Jamaat willingly spread Coronavirus across India

Did Tablighi Jamaat wants to convert India into Italy, did it deliberately plot to spread this epidemic in India. The Jamaat has a long list of terror and has been revealed by the documents of Wikileaks.

Apr 02, 2020, 11:14 AM IST

Coronavirus in Markaz: Jamaat people misbehaves with Police and administration

The people of Nizamuddin Jamaat may have been thrown out of Markaz but they forget to respect and rules. In all the states where they are staying now, they are misbehaving with the police and security personnel.

Apr 02, 2020, 09:42 AM IST

मरकज का Railway Connection, इन ट्रेनों में बैठ चुके हैं जमात के लोग

Thousands of people from different states attended Nizamuddin's Markaz.These people also used several trains for movement from 13–19 March. Now the police are looking for all those people in different states

Apr 02, 2020, 08:48 AM IST

Coronavirus: Nationwide search operation launched to trace ‘Corona Jamaat’

Today, the country is in great danger due to 'Corona Jamaat'. There has been a tremendous increase in COVID19 cases in India and now search operation has been launched.

Apr 01, 2020, 20:40 PM IST

Taal Thok Ke (Spl Edition): ‘Corona Jamaat’ puts India in trouble

Taal Thok Ke: In this special edition of Taal Thok Ke we bring you a panel discussion on concurrent issues. In today's episode of 'Taal Thok Ke' we will discuss, how ‘Corona Jamaat’ puts India in trouble.

Apr 01, 2020, 20:02 PM IST

Taal Thok Ke: How many ‘Corona Jamaat’ does our country have?

Taal Thok Ke: In this segment of Taal Thok Ke we bring you a panel discussion on concurrent issues. In today's episode of 'Taal Thok Ke' we will discuss, how many ‘Corona Jamaat’ does our country have?

Apr 01, 2020, 19:46 PM IST

Delhi police releases 6 videos of Tablighi Jamaat gathering, this is what they were doing

Many people from all over the country had come to participate in the Markaz Jamaat organized in Nizamuddin. 34 people from Ahmednagar in Maharashtra attended this markaj, out of which 2 people are corona positive and now delhi police releases from inside the building

Apr 01, 2020, 18:32 PM IST