
600 ISIS terrorists arrested in past three months: Taliban

The statement comes at a time when the regional countries have repeatedly raised their concerns over the ISIS activities in Afghanistan.

Nov 11, 2021, 23:31 PM IST

US-led global coalition uses F 15, F 35 jets to bomb ISIS island in Iraq - WATCH

A tweet by OIR Spokesman Col. Myles Caggins III revealed the sheer massive firepower that was used to destroy the ISIS-controlled Qanus Island.

Sep 11, 2019, 19:47 PM IST

UNSC must use sanctions as weapon against terror funding in Afghanistan: India

India has asked the UN Security Council to use sanctions regime as a weapon against terror funding in Afghanistan.

Sep 26, 2017, 15:30 PM IST

Two Iraqi journalists killed, third trapped south of Mosul

IS infiltrated Imam Gharbi this week, seizing territory in the village and kidnapping civilians, prompting Iraqi forces to counterattack to try to oust the jihadists, officers said.

Jul 07, 2017, 20:40 PM IST

World hasn't done enough to destroy LeT, JeM safe havens: India at UN

Akbaruddin made the remarks during a UN debate themed “The situation in Afghanistan”.

Jun 23, 2017, 22:07 PM IST

Russia "verifying" info on Baghdadi's likely death: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov

Baghdadi has not been seen in public since proclaiming himself "caliph" in the Iraqi city of Mosul three years ago.

Jun 22, 2017, 20:45 PM IST

UN accuses IS of executing 163 civilians in Mosul on June 1

IS seized Mosul in 2014, and the operation that began last October to retake the city has pushed hundreds of thousands of residents to flee their homes.

Jun 06, 2017, 15:48 PM IST

Islamic State Afghanistan leader killed: US, Afghan officials

The head of Islamic State in Afghanistan -- believed to be the mastermind behind several high-profile attacks including an assault on a military hospital that claimed at least 50 lives -- has been killed, US and Afghan officials said.

May 08, 2017, 10:28 AM IST

Islamic State attack in western Iraq kills 10 soldiers

Jihadist fighters killed at least 10 soldiers in the western Iraqi province of Anbar on Tuesday in their latest deadly attack on security forces in the area, officers said.

May 02, 2017, 14:50 PM IST

Daesh most dangerous phenomenon facing Afghanistan: Envoy

The Daesh (or Islamic State) is the most dangerous phenomenon Afghanistan is facing today, said the country's envoy to India.

Apr 25, 2017, 17:03 PM IST

Let them die in bombing, what they're doing is not Islamic, says father whose son left Kerala to join ISIS

On April 19, a top Home Ministry official had said that the Central government had received no information regarding death of any Indian when the 'Mother Of All Bombs' was dropped on an Islamic State tunnel complex in eastern Afghanistan.

Apr 24, 2017, 18:09 PM IST

IS attack kills 15 Iraq border guards near Jordan: officials

The Islamic State group carried out an attack on an Iraqi border guard position near Jordan on Friday, killing at least 15 guards, officials said.

Feb 24, 2017, 17:31 PM IST

Five terrorist killed by Pakistan Air Force

As part of the ongoing crackdown on militants, the Pakistan Air Force has killed five terrorists in Khyber Agency, along the border with Afghanistan, media reported on Wednesday.

Feb 22, 2017, 14:12 PM IST

Muslim scholars must do more in anti-terror fight: United Kingdom police

British Muslim scholars must do more to challenge terrorist propaganda which implies that Islam condones violence, the chief of Scotland Yard has said.

Feb 17, 2017, 19:52 PM IST

IS wreaks new destruction in Syria`s ancient Palmyra

The Islamic State group has demolished more treasured monuments in Syria`s ancient Palmyra, a month after recapturing it from government forces, the country`s antiquities chief said Friday.

Jan 20, 2017, 17:14 PM IST

Suicide blast at Kabul mosque kills at least 27

A massive suicide blast at a Shiite mosque in Kabul killed at least 27 people Monday and wounded 35 as worshippers gathered for a religious ceremony, officials said.

Nov 21, 2016, 16:50 PM IST

Mosul mechanics fight IS with wrenches

They are armed with wrenches instead of rifles and are rarely found on the front lines, but Mosul`s mechanics say they are indispensable to the fight against the Islamic State group.

Nov 18, 2016, 16:26 PM IST

MHA to use 'Daesh' instead of ISIS

The Home Ministry will use 'Daesh' for the dreaded Islamic State terror group instead of ISIS in all its correspondence.

Nov 08, 2016, 00:42 AM IST

How naming wifi network after Islamic State backfired on French teen

A French court has handed a three-month suspended jail sentence to a teenager who named his domestic wifi network after the Islamic State group, his lawyer said today.

Nov 05, 2016, 05:07 AM IST

BIZARRE! Islamic State BANS women from wearing burqas in Iraq

The ISIS has declared full-face veil as a security risk.

Sep 07, 2016, 14:52 PM IST