Coronavirus case

Tips by Aiims Director Randeep Guelria on Coronavirus

Zee News conversation with Aiims Director Randeep Guleria on Coronavirus. Guleria gives advices to Indian people. What are the symptoms and what could be the precaution

Mar 05, 2020, 12:54 PM IST

Coronavirus impact on Global Economy, Electronic-Medicines costlier soon

China's Coronavirus is slowly spreading to the rest of the world. Report says, Global economy is going get effected if China will face the same trauma. Electronic items like TV, Fridge and many more things will become costlier soon in Indian Market also. Watch this full story on impact of corona on economy.

Mar 05, 2020, 09:48 AM IST

Coronavirus updates: Do you want to know about Isolation Ward in Hospitals

Coronavirus suspected patient kept in Isolation Ward. do you know how this ward function. in this video we will show you how doctors and medical staffs gets ready to treat the patient.

Mar 05, 2020, 08:08 AM IST

DNA: How long can India remain safe from Coronavirus? Watch Analysis

The number of coronavirus cases in India has now shot up to 28. Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan today announced that out of 21 Italian nationals, 16 of them have been found positive for coronavirus.

Mar 04, 2020, 22:46 PM IST

Delhi reports first Coronavirus case, Telangana second

In a shocking development, two positive cases of Coronavirus was on Monday (March 1) detected in India. While the first case has been reported from the national capital, the second case is from Telangana. 

Mar 02, 2020, 14:47 PM IST