Narendra Modi at COP26 Global Summit: Came as representative of society that believes in 'Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah'

Recalling the Paris climate conference, Narendra Modi said that summit was a sentiment and commitment for him.

Nov 01, 2021, 23:20 PM IST

‘Stop treating nature like a toilet’: UN chief at COP26 summit

In his speech at the COP26 World Leaders` Summit here the UN chief told world leaders that "we are digging our own graves by failing to act fast enough on climate change."

Nov 01, 2021, 20:38 PM IST

COP26: Indian cities face risk of submerging underwater

Coming up with a solution for climate change seems to have become inevitable as world leaders meet in Glasgow for UN's 'COP26' climate summit. If there is little action and more speeches, several Indian coastal cities will face risk of getting submerged underwater by 2.7 feet by the end of the century. NASA had predicted the calamity in a report some time back.

Nov 01, 2021, 17:38 PM IST

PM Narendra Modi will travel to Rome for G20 Summit, UK for COP26 next week

PM Modi will be travel to Italy and UK next week for two crucial summits, the G20 summit and the 26th United Nations Climate Change conference.

Oct 24, 2021, 00:03 AM IST