Climate Vulnerable Forum

World's 'poorest' nations pledge to pursue 100% green energy by 2020

Representatives from 47 of what could be considered as some of the world's most "disadvantaged" nations are pledging to go full green and renewable energy by the year 2020. 

Nov 24, 2016, 05:54 AM IST

UN details doubling in weather disasters ahead of climate summit

Preoccupied by the global terror threat, heads of state and government will have their work cut out for them at the 12-day climate summit.

Nov 24, 2015, 03:10 AM IST

Paris climate summit: Huge stakes, deep divides

Still reeling from the worst terrorist attacks in French history, Paris will host nearly 140 world leaders gathering next week to spearhead a climate pact tasked with keeping Earth liveable for humanity.

Nov 23, 2015, 23:19 PM IST