Christian Social Union

Threat of collapse looms over German coalition after crisis talks fail to resolve migrant row

The main options then look like a Merkel-led minority government or a new election. Merkel, who has been chancellor for nearly 13 years, may also lose support in her own CDU

Jun 27, 2018, 16:03 PM IST

Angela Merkel on track for fourth term as German Chancellor: Exit polls

Social Democrats and their candidate Martin Schulz, have come in a distant second in German elections, as per exit polls.

Sep 24, 2017, 22:01 PM IST

German Parliament passes controversial hate speech bill

Under Germany's prevailing legal framework, hate speech includes the incitement to kill or be violent, threatening speech, abusive language, and sedition.

Jul 01, 2017, 08:47 AM IST

German lawmaker wants to make it easier to deport ''preachers of hate''

Germany deported about 16,000 migrants whose asylum applications had been rejected from January to the end of July, compared with 21,000 deportations in all of 2015.

Sep 01, 2016, 09:13 AM IST

Angela Merkel to hold talks with coalition partners on refugee crisis

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold emergency talks with the leaders of her two coalition partners over the weekend in a bid to resolve a dispute over tackling the refugee crisis, which is threatening to tear apart her two-year old government, as thousands of asylum seekers continued to stream into this country.

Oct 31, 2015, 14:38 PM IST