China Central Television

China conducts mock intercontinental ballistic missile strike exercise

China's land-based ICBM has a flight range of 12,000 km and could potentially hit targets in the US.

Jan 23, 2019, 12:34 PM IST

Chinese TV drama under fire for naming President Xi Jinping as 'traitor' in scene

With even constructive criticism not standing a chance in Xi Jinping`s China, a national TV drama was hauled for naming the President as a `traitor` in a small scene, clearly highlighting the hushed up yet clear signs of widespread political rumblings in Beijing against the Chinese President.

Mar 21, 2017, 13:07 PM IST

US concerned people coerced to 'confess' crimes on TV in China

CCTV last week aired separate footage that showed Swedish national Gui Minhai and Swedish activist Peter Dahlin "confessing" their guilt.

Jan 22, 2016, 15:07 PM IST