
'Have cake and eat it' Brexit secret notes cause stir in UK

A secret memo caught on camera in the hands of an aide to a Conservative Party leader outside Downing Street after a Brexit meeting caused a stir in UK political circles on Tuesday, forcing the government to distance itself saying these were "individual notes".

Nov 29, 2016, 17:05 PM IST

UK cannot `have cake and eat it` on Brexit: Luxembourg PM

Luxembourg Prime Minister also ruled out any transitional Brexit deal with the European Union to soften the impact of Britain`s departure.

Nov 29, 2016, 16:47 PM IST

Polish Prime Minister calls for `good compromise` on Brexit

Britain`s shock vote in June to leave the European Union sparked fear among the 800,000 Poles living in Britain, particularly following a spate of xenophobic attacks after the referendum.

Nov 28, 2016, 16:33 PM IST

Brexit on the agenda as British PM welcomes Polish delegation

The summit comes five months after Britain voted to leave the European Union, a decision which has raised concerns in Warsaw over the fate of around 800,000 Poles thought to be living in the UK.

Nov 28, 2016, 06:08 AM IST

Scotland, Wales demand access to EU's single market as part of Brexit deal

During talks after the British Irish Council Summit, Sturgeon and Jones also discussed ways in which the ambitions of Scotland and Wales can be fulfilled.

Nov 26, 2016, 03:39 AM IST

Irish PM says support growing for Brexit transition period

British Prime Minister Theresa May has promised to trigger Article 50 of the EU`s Lisbon Treaty in March, starting a two-year countdown to negotiate Britain`s departure from the bloc.

Nov 26, 2016, 02:23 AM IST

Tony Blair tells the British he believes Brexit can still be stopped

The former Labour Party leader said that he was not advocating it should be stopped, rather that it could happen if the reasons were compelling.

Nov 25, 2016, 02:45 AM IST

Britain lost $1.5 trillion in household wealth since Brexit vote: Study

Britain lost $1.5 trillion (1.4 trillion euros) in household wealth in 2016, a blow caused by the pound’s free-fall after the Brexit vote, Switzerland’s second largest bank Credit Suisse said Tuesday. 

Nov 23, 2016, 00:04 AM IST

"There is no vacancy" for Farage as ambassador to United States, Britain tells Trump

Farage is one of the leaders of the successful referendum fight for Britain to leave the European Union.

Nov 22, 2016, 13:59 PM IST

Trump backs Nigel Farage as British ambassador to US

The British politician said he was flattered by Trump`s tweet.

Nov 22, 2016, 13:55 PM IST

After Trump and Brexit, French voting hard to call

Socialist Hollande is weighing whether to make an apparently suicidal run for a second term as president next year in the face of polls that show him unlikely to even reach double figures if he goes ahead as a candidate.

Nov 22, 2016, 00:13 AM IST

Relief but muted enthusiasm as Merkel vows to run again

The German economy is humming, the budget is balanced, unemployment is down, and her country is widely seen as the strongest voice in a troubled EU.

Nov 21, 2016, 19:30 PM IST

French right holds high-stakes presidential primary

It is the first rightwing primary to be held in France, and anyone who pays two euros ($2.1) and signs a declaration that, they subscribe to "the values of the centre and the right" can take part.

Nov 20, 2016, 20:42 PM IST

French in centre-right primary to pick presidential candidate to face Le Pen

"Political Islam is doing battle against our values. There`s no room for compromise," Fillon said.

Nov 20, 2016, 12:32 PM IST

Eurozone chief rules out 'impossible' UK Brexit demands

Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem has dismissed as "intellectually impossible" the notion that Britain could retain unfettered access to the European single market while also cutting down on EU immigration.

Nov 16, 2016, 17:12 PM IST

Britain has no Brexit plan, leaked memo claims

The government of Prime Minister Theresa May denied the claims and said it did not commission the report.

Nov 15, 2016, 15:42 PM IST

UK Brexit campaigner Farage meets Donald Trump

Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage has become the first British politician to meet with Donald Trump since his US election win, the UK Independence Party (UKIP) confirmed late Saturday.

Nov 13, 2016, 06:19 AM IST

European Union says committed to 'broad, ambitious' FTA with India

The European Union remains committed to a "broad and ambitious" free trade agreement (FTA) with India, but hopes that the "stalemate" on the issue would be resolved soon, a senior EU trade official said today.

Nov 08, 2016, 19:39 PM IST

UK govt to appeal Brexit ruling within days

The British government said Monday it would appeal this week against a High Court ruling that the prime minister cannot start the process of leaving the EU without parliament`s approval.

Nov 08, 2016, 03:56 AM IST

UK PM May promises EU exit "in full" despite legal challenge

British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Sunday she would deliver a full exit from the European Union, hitting back at critics of her Brexit strategy who have threatened to try to block the process in parliament.

Nov 07, 2016, 09:26 AM IST