brain study

Clues revealed on what makes human brain different from other mammals: Study

We humans live in a very different environment with a unique lifestyle compared to other primate species; and glia cells, including microglia, are very sensitive to these differences

Aug 27, 2022, 15:41 PM IST

Obesity could be treated by mapping the brain stem's control: Study

The process of choosing which foods to seek out and which to avoid turns out to be so crucial to our welfare that the signals are coordinated in the brain`s most rudimentary regions, the brain stem or hindbrain

Aug 26, 2022, 14:42 PM IST

A little lie may make you a big liar

Telling self-serving lies may gradually lead people to a bigger one and finally push them down a slippery slope where their brains may start to adapt to the dishonesty, making deceit look much easier, an interesting study has revealed.

Oct 25, 2016, 17:46 PM IST