Bone marrow transplant

CAR-T Cell Therapy And Bone Marrow Transplant Improving Lymphoma Outcomes: Experts

Advanced treatments like CAR-T cell therapy and bone marrow transplants are significantly improving outcomes for lymphoma patients, experts highlight during World Lymphoma Awareness Month.

Sep 16, 2024, 19:45 PM IST

DNA: 'Medical miracle' against HIV AIDS

A big miracle has happened in the world of medical science. Till now AIDS was considered an incurable disease. But a French institute has claimed that the treatment of AIDS is possible through Bone Marrow Transplant.

Feb 23, 2023, 23:26 PM IST

Doctors successfully treat 24-year-old girl MS patient with bone marrow transplant

Doctors have successfully treated a 24-year-old girl, suffering from Multiple Sclerosis with bone marrow transplant (BMT).

Apr 21, 2017, 00:22 AM IST

Eight-month-old Afghan baby receives new lease of life after rare bone marrow transplant

An eight-month-old Afghan baby underwent a rare half-matched bone marrow transplant in in a private hospital in India.

Mar 16, 2017, 23:44 PM IST