Biological Psychiatry

Autistic people's brain cells develop differently from typical individuals: Study

iPSCs retain the genetic identity of the person from which they came and the cells re-start their development as it would have happened in the womb, providing a window into that person`s brain development.

Aug 25, 2020, 18:28 PM IST

First three months most crucial after one quits smoking

Smoking-related deficits in brain dopamine, a chemical released by neurons to send signals to other nerve cells, return to normal levels three months after quitting, according to a new study.

Jul 31, 2016, 15:40 PM IST

What causes poor memory in schizophrenia patients?

This area of the brain plays a key role in working memory -- the system for temporarily storing and managing information required to carry out complex cognitive tasks. 

Apr 05, 2016, 22:43 PM IST

Marijuana getting more potent than it used to be

However, in contrast, the cannabidiol (CBD) content in those samples decreased from nearly 0.28 per cent in 1995 to less than 0.15 per cent in 2014.

Feb 10, 2016, 15:49 PM IST

Enhancing brain function may curb memory loss

The study expands scientists' understanding of neuroplasticity, the ability of neural pathways to grow in response to new stimuli.

Oct 21, 2015, 13:15 PM IST