
DMK MP Senthil apologizes in Lok Sabha for cow urine comment

DMK SANSAD Breaking: Senthil apologizes in Lok Sabha on cow urine comment Has asked for. He said that if anyone has been inadvertently offended by my statement yesterday, I apologize for it. Action: This word should be removed.

Dec 06, 2023, 14:24 PM IST

TOP 100: Time fixed for discussion on Women Reservation Bill, discussion will take place from 11 am to 6 pm

TOP 100: The time for discussion on Women Reservation Bill has been fixed, the discussion will take place today from 11 am to 6 pm. Let us tell you that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will present the Women's Reservation Bill in the Lok Sabha tomorrow.

Sep 20, 2023, 09:36 AM IST

Baat Pate ki: Historic bill introduced in the new Parliament House, women will get 33 percent reservation

Baat Pate ki: On the very first day of proceedings in the new Parliament House, the Constitution Amendment Bill providing 33 percent reservation for women was introduced in the Lok Sabha. Information about which was given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the first meeting of the Lok Sabha.

Sep 19, 2023, 21:20 PM IST

Baat Pate Ki: AIMPLB intensifies protest against UCC, appeals to protest by issuing letter

Baat Pate Ki: AIMPLB intensifies protest against UCC, All India Muslim Personal Law Board issues letter urging people to protest.

Jul 05, 2023, 23:56 PM IST

Mallikarjun Kharge called the central government dictatorial

Mallikarjun Kharge attacked the central government and called them dictatorship.

Nov 29, 2021, 19:46 PM IST

Education needs attention to reduce population, says Bihar Minister Renu Devi

Amidst the ongoing debate on population control in the country, the Health Minister of Rajasthan says that 'not two, only one child is good'. Speaking on the population itself, Renu Devi, a minister in the Bihar government, has said that there is a need to focus on education to reduce the population.

Jul 14, 2021, 15:04 PM IST

Badi Bahas: New population policy against human rights - Darul Uloom Deoband

Darul Uloom Deoband has opposed the new population policy and called it against human rights. Deoband has said that what is the fault of those children whose parents will be deprived of government facilities.

Jul 13, 2021, 11:18 AM IST

Population policy announced in UP

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath announced a new population policy for 2021-2030 on the occasion of World Population Day.

Jul 11, 2021, 14:12 PM IST

Population will be controlled only by 'Yogi model'?

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that the increasing population is the 'root cause' of major problems including inequality.

Jul 11, 2021, 13:14 PM IST

UP: What is in the draft of population control bill?

The draft of the population control bill in UP has been prepared. This draft has been uploaded by the Law Commission on its website Public opinion has been sought in this regard till July 19.

Jul 10, 2021, 14:46 PM IST

DNA: Analysis of negative methods of protest

In this segment of DNA we will analyse the negative methods of protest.

Sep 25, 2020, 22:50 PM IST

5W1H: Watch top news with research and latest updates, 4th December 2019

This is a special segment of 5W1H by Zee News which brings to you news with the research and latest updates. Watch this video to know more.

Dec 04, 2019, 17:14 PM IST

Bill for dam safety introduced in Lok Sabha amid Opposition protests

The government on Monday introduced a Bill to set up a national authority as well as a committee for inspection and maintenance of dams across the country.

Jul 29, 2019, 19:53 PM IST

Ravi Shankar Prasad begins discussion on Triple Talaq bill

Ravi Shankar Prasad begins the discussion on Triple Talaq bill. To know more watch the video

Jul 25, 2019, 13:32 PM IST

Uttarakhand: Bill that bars candidates with more than 2 kids gets tabled

Bill that bars candidates with more than 2 kids from contesting polls gets tabled in Uttarakhand. Watch this video to know more.

Jun 26, 2019, 13:38 PM IST

Parliament winter session: Centre targets 25 bills over 22 days

 Nearly 25 pending bills and 14 new ones, including GST and Muslim women rights, will be picked up in the Winter session 

Dec 15, 2017, 08:01 AM IST

Andhra assembly passes bill to provide 5% reservation to Kapu community

The Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly on Saturday unanimously passed a Bill to provide 5 per cent reservation in education and employment sectors for the Kapu community in the state.

Dec 02, 2017, 12:48 PM IST

Bill to set up commission for farmers' empowerment to be moved in Punjab Assembly

The Punjab government has decided to move a Bill in the current session of the state Assembly today to set up a five-member commission for framing a policy to empower and grant legal rights to farmers, an official release said.

Nov 27, 2017, 14:04 PM IST

US President Donald Trump endorses merit-based immigration system

If passed by the Congress and signed into law, the legislation could benefit highly-educated people and technology professionals from countries like India.


Aug 03, 2017, 13:28 PM IST

Ryan assures Republican senators House will not pass 'skinny' Obamacare repeal

As the contents of the skinny bill were released, the Senate also passed a measure that would permanently repeal the Obamacare tax on high-cost, employer-provided insurance along party lines.

Jul 28, 2017, 10:10 AM IST