
Toll rises to 35 in car bombing outside Benghazi mosque

The toll from a twin car bombing at a mosque in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi rose to 35 on Wednesday, medics said, one of the highest from a single attack since Libya slid into turmoil after a 2011 uprising.

Jan 25, 2018, 00:38 AM IST

Rex Tillerson pays tribute to 9/11 victims

The president and first lady joined thousands of service members and families of 9/11 victims at the Pentagon, where hundreds of military personnel were killed after a hijacked plane crashed into the western side of the complex on Sept. 11, 2001.

Sep 11, 2017, 22:38 PM IST

Nine Libyan troops killed by suspected Islamic State militants: Spokesman

At least nine members of security forces loyal to Libyan commander Khalifa Haftar and two civilians were killed on Wednesday by suspected Islamic State militants at a checkpoint in the central Jufra region, a military spokesman said.

Aug 23, 2017, 22:52 PM IST

11 beheaded in Libya attack: pro-Haftar forces

At least 11 people were beheaded Wednesday in an attack on a checkpoint controlled by Libyan military strongman Khalifa Haftar south of Tripoli.

Aug 23, 2017, 18:22 PM IST

44 Libya soldiers dead in June fighting jihadists

The troops were killed in the Al-Sabri and Soug al-Hout districts, the last jihadist bastions in Benghazi, said Hani al-Aribi, spokesman for the health ministry of authorities in eastern Libya aligned with Haftar.

Jul 02, 2017, 10:09 AM IST

Gaddafi son Saif al-Islam Gaddafi freed in Libya, whereabouts unclear: Lawyer

A Tripoli court sentenced Saif to death in 2015 for war crimes, including killing protesters during the revolution.

Jun 11, 2017, 16:41 PM IST

Libyan warplane downed striking jihadists in Benghazi

A fighter jet of forces loyal to a Libyan military strongman was shot down today as it attacked jihadist positions in Benghazi, a military source said.

Mar 18, 2017, 20:13 PM IST

Islamic State suicide bomber kills 8 Libyan troops near Benghazi

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the bombing in a statement circulated online.

Dec 19, 2016, 16:26 PM IST

Libya parliament rejects UN-backed unity government

Libya`s internationally recognised parliament on Monday voted no confidence in a UN-backed unity government, a spokesman said, in a blow to efforts to end the country`s political chaos.

Aug 22, 2016, 20:41 PM IST

Libya forces `retake` Benghazi district from jihadists

General Khalifa Haftar`s troops took the al-Gwarcha district of Benghazi.

Jul 29, 2016, 08:33 AM IST

Donald Trump asked to stop talking about Benghazi victims

The mother of US Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, who died during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, in a letter to the New York Times asked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to stop talking about her son`s death.

Jul 24, 2016, 14:39 PM IST

Bodies of 14 executed in Libya's Benghazi found: Medical Centre

A hospital in Libya's second city Benghazi said today it had received the bodies of 14 people killed execution-style, in what the UN envoy said was a war crime.

Jul 22, 2016, 19:54 PM IST

Car bomb kills 12 Libyan troops in Benghazi: Military source

A car bomb has killed 12 Libyan troops allied to General Khalifa Haftar, commander of forces with the country`s eastern government, who have been fighting a campaign against Islamist militants there, a military source said.

Jul 07, 2016, 12:43 PM IST

Panel's report reignites debate over Clinton and Benghazi

Congressional Republicans on Tuesday accused Hillary Clinton`s State Department of failing to protect four Americans killed in a 2012 attack in Libya, in a final report that contained no major new revelations but rekindled debate on the U.S. presidential campaign trail.

Jun 29, 2016, 02:36 AM IST

Islaim State militants pushes east in Libya amid government air strikes

The senior officer said warplanes Tuesday struck a "house in an industrial area south of Ajdabiya where jihadists were meeting".

Dec 02, 2015, 02:34 AM IST

Constant clashes in Libya's Benghazi kill 16

 At least 16 people have been killed in recent clashes between the Libyan army and militants affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi, military sources confirmed Xinhua on Thursday.

Nov 13, 2015, 08:24 AM IST

13 security personnel killed by 'terrorists' in Libya

At least 13 members of Libya's army were killed by "terrorist" violence on Tuesday in the east of the war-torn country, an army spokesman said.

Nov 11, 2015, 08:47 AM IST

Five dead in Libyan shelling as IS claims two executions

Five people were killed by shelling in the Libyan city of Benghazi, a local hospital reported, as the Islamic State group claimed it had executed two men in the east of the war-torn country.

Oct 20, 2015, 05:04 AM IST

Libyan government rejects UN power-sharing proposal

Libya's internationally recognized government has rejected a UN proposal for a power-sharing arrangement with rival Islamist-led authorities that was intended to bring peace to the north African nation.

Oct 20, 2015, 05:00 AM IST

Clinton lashes out at US Benghazi committee

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's recent comments that the Benghazi panel can take credit for the Democratic front-runner's diminished public standing prove Republicans are going after her for political reasons, Clinton said in a televised interview.

Oct 06, 2015, 03:10 AM IST