
Assad vows to continue working with Iran after Rouhani win

The Syrian president stressed the need to "continue working and cooperating with the Islamic Republic of Iran to strengthen the security and stability of both countries, the region and the world".

May 20, 2017, 19:54 PM IST

Assad forces made sarin used in chemical attack: France

France has said it has evidence that the Syrian air force dropped bombs containing nerve agent sarin on a rebel-held town earlier this month that killed 89 people.

Apr 26, 2017, 21:26 PM IST

US wants to bring Assad to justice for his crimes: Haley

Haley, the first Indian American to hold a Cabinet level position in any presidential administration, said human rights was a very important issue for the Trump administration.

Apr 03, 2017, 00:40 AM IST

France to convene Syria meeting after Assad, allies launch ''total war''

"France is taking an initiative to confront the strategy of total war by the regime and its allies, who are taking advantage of the uncertainty in the United States," Ayrault said.

Nov 23, 2016, 20:18 PM IST

Countries backing Syrian moderates to meet in Paris: France

The international community "must stop averting its gaze" from the "terrible reality" of what was happening in Syria, Assad said.

Nov 23, 2016, 19:12 PM IST

Assad's allies warn Turkey against any Aleppo advance

Forces allied to President Bashar al-Assad in Syria warned Turkey on Wednesday against any advance towards their positions to the north and east of Aleppo, saying any such move would be met "decisively and with force".

Oct 26, 2016, 13:58 PM IST

US condemns Assad on chemical weapons use

The White House condemned the Assad regime's "defiance" of international norms after United Nations experts found the Syrian army had conducted three chemical weapons attacks against its own people in 2014 and 2015.

Oct 23, 2016, 15:56 PM IST

Syria peace efforts must continue despite break with Russia: John Kerry

The United States Secretary of State John Kerry criticized Russia on Tuesday for its "irresponsible and profoundly ill-advised decision" to back Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and said efforts to end the war in Syria must continue, in spite of the U.S. decision to break off talks with Moscow.

Oct 04, 2016, 19:30 PM IST

US envoy calls on Syria rebels to respect truce

The US envoy for Syria has urged rebel groups to respect a shaky nationwide truce after they gave its brokers 48 hours to stop a regime offensive near the capital.

May 24, 2016, 14:04 PM IST

Multiple blasts hit two Syrian coastal cities, over 100 killed so far

At least 101 people were killed today in a spate of bombings in two Damascus regime bastions on the Mediterranean coast, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

May 23, 2016, 15:44 PM IST

Barack Obama to send 250 more special forces, troops to Syria

President Barack Obama on Monday said the US would send up to 250 more special forces and other military personnel to Syria to help rebels fight Islamic State group jihadists.

Apr 26, 2016, 00:19 AM IST

US Treasury chief warns on excessive use of sanctions

US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew warned today that the excessive use of economic sanctions could weaken the role of the United States and the dollar on global markets.

Mar 30, 2016, 20:42 PM IST

Syria transitional govt must include regime, opposition: Assad

President Bashar al-Assad said Wednesday that any transitional government in Syria should include both the regime and opposition, as UN chief Ban Ki-moon urged greater efforts to tackle the country`s refugee crisis.

Mar 30, 2016, 19:58 PM IST

Assad hails Iran, Russia role in war on terror

Iran and Russia have been the crucial allies of the Syrian government throughout the long-running conflict in Syria.

Mar 19, 2016, 22:05 PM IST

Berlin says withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria to increase pressure on Assad

The announcement of withdrawal of Moscow's forces from Syria will increase the pressure on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to negotiate a "political transition", Germany's foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has said.

Mar 15, 2016, 07:45 AM IST

Syria regime says Assad ouster 'red line' ahead of peace talks

The Syrian government today said the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad remains a "red line" just two days ahead of renewed talks aimed at ending the conflict

Mar 13, 2016, 01:15 AM IST

UN calls for Syria elections in 18 months

The UN envoy for Syria called Friday for elections in the war-ravaged country in 18 months, as the opposition announced it will attend fresh peace talks next week

Mar 12, 2016, 01:18 AM IST

Blast hits police base in Afghan capital, 10 killed, 20 injured

A suicide bomber blew himself up in the Afghan capital Kabul, killing at least ten person and wounding 20, a police spokesman said.

Feb 01, 2016, 16:04 PM IST

Nearly 1,400 civilians killed in Russia's Syria air strikes: Monitor

Russian air strikes on Syria have killed nearly 1,400 civilians since Moscow started its aerial campaign nearly four months ago, a group monitoring the war said on Saturday.

Jan 31, 2016, 09:35 AM IST

Hillary Clinton embraces Obama policies, avoids mentioning Donald Trump

Democratic presidential front runner Hillary Clinton embraced the policies of the Obama administration from healthcare to economy and foreign policy in particular Iran during her party's first presidential debate this year.

Jan 18, 2016, 12:14 PM IST