Affordable Care Act

US Supreme Court upholds ObamaCare, dismisses third challenge to Affordable Care Act

The US Supreme Court on Thursday (June 17) upheld the ObamaCare, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) against the latest Republican challenge, allowing millions to keep their health insurance coverage amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jun 18, 2021, 10:01 AM IST

Amazon wobble creates ripples across worldwide stock markets

Amazon has been one of the companies powering the sector this year, with a 40 percent rise up until Thursday. 

Jul 28, 2017, 14:34 PM IST

Ryan assures Republican senators House will not pass 'skinny' Obamacare repeal

As the contents of the skinny bill were released, the Senate also passed a measure that would permanently repeal the Obamacare tax on high-cost, employer-provided insurance along party lines.

Jul 28, 2017, 10:10 AM IST

US House of Representatives passes bill to repeal Obamacare

The US House of Representatives on Thursday narrowly passed a Republican effort to repeal and replace Obamacare, delivering a welcome victory to President Donald Trump after early legislative stumbles.

May 05, 2017, 00:18 AM IST

Donald Trump to ease restrictions against religious groups

President Donald Trump will issue an executive order on Thursday making it easier for churches and religious groups to take part in politics without risk of losing their tax-exempt status, a senior White House official said.

May 04, 2017, 08:51 AM IST

Obamacare repeal thwarted again as Vice President Mike Pence fails to reach deal

Two weeks after United States President Donald Trump's administration admitted defeat and declared the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, the 'law of the land for the foreseeable future', hopes of reviving the plan surged briefly when Vice-President Mike Pence went to Capitol Hill in an attempt to forge a new compromise that could somehow pass the House of Representatives.

Apr 06, 2017, 10:56 AM IST

Donald Trump demands vote on healthcare plan on Friday

US President Donald Trump has demanded that House Republicans vote on Friday on a bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, a media report said.

Mar 24, 2017, 09:09 AM IST

Donald Trump barnstorms to push healthcare plan; signs of conservative support

U.S. President Donald Trump used his barnstorming strategy on Wednesday to try to build momentum for his first legislative initiative, a healthcare overhaul, by holding a massive rally in Nashville, Tennessee, reminiscent of his campaign events.

Mar 16, 2017, 09:56 AM IST

Record three million tweets sent on Donald Trump's speech to Congress

Twitter says some 3 million tweets were sent about President Donald Trump's speech to a joint session of Congress last night.

Mar 01, 2017, 19:13 PM IST

Donlad Trump promises health care 'for everybody'

President-elect Donald Trump wants health "insurance for everybody," no small feat in a country where millions are uninsured.

Jan 16, 2017, 15:01 PM IST

Donald Trump open to keeping 'amended' version of Obamacare: Report

Donald Trump has indicated that he will consider retaining an "amended" version of the Affordable Care Act, a marked shift in stance on his major campaign promise of repealing President Barack Obama's flagship healthcare law.

Nov 12, 2016, 09:22 AM IST