Destruction in Ukraine by Russian forces caught on camera: See pics

As many as two explosions were heard on Friday in central Kyiv, Ukraine`s capital, as the Russian special military operation against Ukraine entered the second day.

Zee Media Bureau | Feb 25, 2022, 13:32 PM IST

In the opening hours of Russia's assault on Ukraine, ballistic missiles by the dozens struck mostly military targets across the country, but there was little sign of Russian soldiers crossing the border or naval infantry landing on Ukraine's shores.

However, on early Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an unscheduled televised address to the world, launched an assault on Ukraine in a bit to invade.

As many as two explosions were heard on Friday in central Kyiv, Ukraine`s capital, as the Russian special military operation against Ukraine entered the second day, local media reported. As per Ukrainian Defence Ministry, 800 casualties were inflicted among the Russian armed forces.

Ukrainian forces downed an enemy aircraft over Kyiv in the early hours of Friday, which then crashed into a residential building and set it on fire, said Anton Herashchenko, an adviser to the interior minister.

It was unclear whether the aircraft was manned or whether it could be a missile.

Kyiv municipal authorities said at least eight people were injured when the object crashed into an apartment block.


Ukrainian police official inspect a ravaged building after crash

Ukrainian police official inspect a ravaged building after crash

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said the bombing of Kyiv was reminiscent of Nazi Germany`s attacks during World War Two.

"To all the citizens of the Russian Federation who went out to protest, I want to say: we see you. This means you heard us. This means you are starting to believe us. Fight for us, fight against the war," he urged.


Russian aircraft crashed into a residential building

Russian aircraft crashed into a residential building

Ukrainian forces downed an enemy aircraft over Kyiv in the early hours on Friday, which then crashed into a residential building and set it on fire.


Russia's assault on Ukraine ends up in frightful missile attacks

Russia's assault on Ukraine ends up in frightful missile attacks

Russian troops are closing in on the seat of Ukrainian power after taking control of the strategic Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and will seize it within 96 hours, bringing a `new Iron Curtain` down on Europe, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky warned.


Missile explosion amid Russia-Ukraine conflict captured on camera

Missile explosion amid Russia-Ukraine conflict captured on camera

Vladimir Putin has used a lethal combination of attacks, including cyberattacks, missile and artillery strikes, airborne assaults and other means to try to disrupt Ukrainian commanders' ability to direct a cohesive defence. 


Aftermaths of missile attack by Russia on Ukraine

Aftermaths of missile attack by Russia on Ukraine

Visuals from the road of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, after a missile launched by Russia, damaged a residential building. As many two explosions were heard on Friday.

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