Photo Gallery: Find out what stars have in store for you today — March 2, 2019

Sundeep Kochar | Mar 02, 2019, 06:27 AM IST


You should go after regular dependable salaries or irregular undependable commission checks. You should tuck away for retirement and how much should you spend on making your home life better. You need to help your folks in their old age, or do you need to ask them to help you while you are trying to get back on your feet



Either you will end the relationship, or you will sit down and have an honest heart-to-heart discussion that helps to smooth things over. Despite this one relationship going through a rocky patch, your other relationships within your community are upbeat and fun.



You have a new beginning in your private life that is going to positively affect your residential situation, your relationship with someone you live with, your parents, or your ability to turn your home into your own private oasis. Your career is bursting forth with equally wonderful energy. Unfortunately, much of the time you feel pulled between the two.



It ties in quite nicely with your “social”, “playtime”, and “journeys” sectors. You can use this energy for social, romantic, and business networking. Your love life, vacation planning, legal negotiations, teamwork, and social activities are all likely to work out better because of it.



You are a natural leader, a compassionate co-worker, an excellent team player, and a great friend. At times, you may feel pulled away from your hobbies or the people that you love the most because your social obligations keep calling you away. However, you will find a way to create balance and work things out.




It will create opportunities for you to earn more money, look at the way you approach finances, and to work through trust issues as they arise. Maybe you figure out how to bust through the red tape and bureaucracies that have been holding you back or you realize that it is you who is sabotaging your own efforts. There is also a possibility to enjoy some love and romance along the way.



Most of the time it is great, and you can network like crazy. Other times, you seem to be traveling or educating yourself about various cultures and beliefs. The office can handle it if you go on vacation to do some hands on exploring rather than staying home and experiencing all your “journeys” within the pages of books and on the Discovery channel.



You have some great energy happening in your professional life and it can be a hassle trying to juggle both. By the end of the month, you seem to find peace by either busting through the red tape and bureaucracy or by turning your home into your own personal oasis.




Look at the aspects to see what you will accomplish. Also note where your shortcomings will be found by difficult aspects. This is a momentous time for working with others and not against them; just make sure you make an equal contribution to whatever you work on, including business and marriage.



You have great social energy, strong stable “partnership” energy, and a big wave of “work” energy coming soon, but for right now, it seems to be your time to laugh, play, make love, sing, dance, and enjoy the great luxuries life has to offer.




You have quite a few opportunities to push forward with your professional and financial goals and might even start a new job. At the very end of the month, do not shade the truth with a partner just to avoid hurting their feelings or looking bad, they will find out the truth and then your credibility will be in question.



Either way, your ability to get along with “partners” is challenged. However, you have some wonderful communications and negotiations energy that can help the two of your talk’s things over. Be careful during the argumentative moments, because there is a decent chance that you are going to need a loan or financial help from this same person around the end of the month.

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