Photo Gallery: Find out what the stars have in story-March 24, 2019

Sundeep Kochar | Mar 24, 2019, 08:09 AM IST

You and everyone you know seem to be emotionally tired and it is good to introduce a sense of humor to cheer up everyone. Future party plans are in the making. You will be spending lot of time in getting things scheduled and organized.


You enjoy supporting your family and usually have a great deal of fun when involved with a group type of interaction. Your professional colleagues will be supportive of your initiatives and will accept your suggestions. Your confidence is high and you can accomplish anything that is before you.


This is the best time you must make progress, push forward and rise to prominence. Your opponents will also work with you today and recognition is inevitable. You will feel charged and motivated and find yourself wanting to shoulder more responsibilities connected with your family, neighbourhood or personal business affairs.


Now is the time to make that outward push to increase your income. Speculation in risky investments will be on cards. Just do proper due diligence before blindly investing in risky investments. This is also a time when you may marry or take on a new role in the community or with other people.


It may become difficult for you to forgive people who side with your sworn enemies, but don’t take things to extremes. You will be surprised at chain of events happening which are too disparate. Getting nostalgic with someone close is possible today.


This is a time during which things will come to you easily. Friends and a social life are in order--an easy and untroubled life can be enjoyed. There is new energy available for professional endeavors today.


You will be leading a new initiative today. Make sure your initiatives are meaningful and beneficial for larger good of society. Don't be too quick to sign a money agreement. You will want to enjoy yourself with friends or family later this evening.


This is a time of good fortune when things open in a very natural way. Your elders especially your father can be your guiding force. Opportunities flourish and you may find yourself wanting and able to do almost everything. Change of place or long trip is on cards.


Working overtime is the theme of this day and you will still find things are not moving in your direction. These challenges will be short while and will pass over. If you cannot fight it out, take a break and chill and relax. Good times are soon to come.


This is the best day; there is more ambition in you than there has been of late. You may find yourself plotting a path to the most beneficial and profitable business plan with team of influential people today. At home this evening, you may be more passive, taking some time to rebuild your energies.


Further education is in consideration and you make plan toward just what you will need. You will be in risk of incurring lot of expenses. Just be wary of circumstances and take slow and calculated steps on all activities. Today it may be better if you allow someone else to take the lead or have a last word.


Your organizational abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guides you and proves successful. Your career could assume a more solid structure today. A time of good fortune opens for you. You may find yourself wanting and able to do almost everything.

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